
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today's Flowers: Pansies doing well around town


I love pansies and this time of year the beds and planters at shopping and office centers have a lot of pansies, replacing the spent summer flowers.


I like the way pansies can survive as the weather gets cooler and even do well in light snow and frost.


Pansies don't make it all the way through the winter here but do last longer than almost any other flower. The rose below is one of mine.


For other participants, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.


Anonymous said...

Pansies don't show up here till around April 15th. LOL A few years ago there was a big hoopla about Icicle Pansies that you could plant in the fall and enjoy and then they'd return in the spring. A few came back up in April...but mostly not. LOL

Chubskulit Rose said...

What I like about pansies are their variety of colors..

Mine are local flowers in the Land of the Morning Calm.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

They last very late here too. Last year I had a couple overwinter and they were some of the nicest I have grown.

Anonymous said...

What a great post about pansies, look at their beautiful little faces and the colours are pretty too.
Thank you for sharing.

XoXo said...

They are so beautiful, it does come in different colors too, right? I like the one from your garden too.

Randi said...

They don´t last here in Sweden, but when I lived in London I had pansies (yellow and blue, like the Swedish flag) outside the entrance the whole winter. Thanks for sharing!

Carolyn Ford said...

Nice photography! Those little Pansies are always such happy little flowers.

Coffeedoff said...

Such beautiful colours!

Carletta said...

When I lived in Virginia I always loved pansies in the fall.
I love your macro shot and that shot of your rose is stunning!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

What a great blog. I've looked at all the photos on this page. Cute birds, especially the unknown ones on the tree in a bunch. I've seen those very birds when I lived in Northern California and wish I knew the name. Great flower pix alsol

Happily Retired Gal said...

I love pansies too ... for all the same reasons. Am thinking of planting some soon ... just because. LOVE the rose in the last photo too!
Hugs and blessings,

SandyCarlson said...

I never thought of these for this time of year. Usually we see those colorful cabbages and that's it. These are delightful, sunny shots.

Rambling Woods said...

They are beautiful and still in bloom?

Sandy Kessler said...

happy faces !!

Nance said...

Pansies are gone in my area but am sure glad I can still enjoy them here, Carver.

eden said...

woww.. i always love pansies.

great shots.

Ferd said...

Gail just planted our pansies last weekend.

We are newbies to NC this year, so it's a wonderful surprise to see things flowering at this time of year, like our camellias, and to be planting stuff in November!

ellen said...

Awesome photos!
A visit from you is a blessing ...really made me happy ....God bless... hope to hear from you always...

MaR said...

Pansies are beautiful are cheerful. I enjoyed your fantastic shots,Carver!!


DeniseinVA said...

They certainly are a hardy little flower and your photos show just how beautiful they are. Thanks for sharing them Carver. Have a great week.

Gel said...

Thank you Carver. Those purple pansies remind me of my grandfather who planted many in his beautiful garden, besides purple being my favorite color. As a tot, I'd play and marvel at the palette of colors. Upon any return visit as I grew to a mom, I'd still smile at his garden. He is gone now, so your photos are extra special. Lovely photos!

Ayie said...

the colors are very catchy, something you won't miss during your walk =)

Cezar and Léia said...

oh dear Carver!
Adorable and delicate flowers!
Magnificent set of pictures!Well done my friend,

mommanator said...

when evr I see a pansy I think of my mom, she loved themand had no luck growing them despite a green thumb for everything else? she loved their cite 'faces'