
Friday, August 22, 2008

Photohunt: Wrinkled and Day 6 of reflection challenge

This is a combo post for photohunters and Day 6 of the reflection challenge. The photohunt theme is wrinkled and as you can see my shirt is wrinkled. I can't stand ironing and although I don't mind a slightly wrinkled look, I don't want a wadded up in the bottom of the drawer look. Therefore, I hang clothes in my bathroom while I shower. The steam from the shower helps get rid of the worse wrinkles. Doesn't help with the wrinkles on my face, oh well.
The entire photograph above is a reflection in my bathroom mirror. If you look at the top of the window, you can see the lights from the mirror being reflected in the window and then reflected back to the mirror. The reflection challenge is hosted by Quilly's Pacific . . . Paradise?

Snap2Days has a parallel lives shots for wrinkled.

You can browse other photohunt posts on technorati and on Saturday at the home of photohunters


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Carver, lucky you with one 1 wrinkled shirt. I've got a whole mountain pile of them staring at me *head.desk* :P

Melli said...

I don't iron either -- as a matter of fact it's a 4-Letter word around MY house! I tend to toss things back in the dryer with a wet washcloth to dewrinkle! Works for me!

Great idea for the two-fer Carver!

Randi said...

I use the same method when I´m travelling and unpack wrinkled clothes, but I haven´t gone as far as you have - I wish I could ;) I hate ironing!!!
I wish you a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I also post about my wrinkled shirt, haha~

Anonymous said...

Yup,only 1 wrinkled shirt? I have tons of that here! hehe :D Nice one!

Anonymous said...

I hate to iron my working clothes, that's why I normally din buy clothes that easily get wrinkled. hehe..

Anonymous said...

HAHA~ Can see your hand and camera is taking the picture~!

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I hate to see my big bag full of wrinkled clothes to be iron...Happy hunting ...Enjoy the weekend!
mine is up in..tiny treasures and heartbeats

Ingrid said...

A wrinkle reflection combination is rather seldom, lol ! My wrinkles are not yet up because it's still Friday here, but my reflections are !

Bolder said...

i like how you are embracing your photoshootiness!

keep at it!!

Anonymous said...

I am the same way when it comes to ironing, and that is a good tip :) Happy photo hunting!

Heart of Rachel said...

The steam shower idea sounds good. Nice way to remove some of the wrinkles away.

I don't know how to iron at all. It's a good thing someone else does it for me.

MaR said...

What a clever shot, Carver. And great idea to "iron" a shirt!!
My PH is posted now too :)
Great minds think alike!
(some of us do the ironing !)

Dee said...

Hey Carver,
I hate ironing, too. So, I usually buy shirts that don't need ironing so I don't have to worry about it! HA!

And, I don't recall seeing any wrinkles on your face. You look a lot younger than you are. Just wanted you to know that ... I mean that, too! : )

Anonymous said...

Great shot!! I always forget about hanging the wrinkled items in the bathroom when you shower. Will have to remember as I hate ironing!

Happy Weekend.

CRIZ LAI said...

I hate ironing wrinkled shirt too, especially those cotton ones which need extra iron starch.

Carletta said...

Nice refection and a great duo for both memes!

Anonymous said...

Should of thought of that linen shirt I need to iron :0)
Happy Hunting and ironing!!

jams o donnell said...

Nice shot Carver. Oerfect for both memes, Happy weekend

MumbaiiteAnu said...

I hate ironing wrinkled clothes too, and Im not showing my wardrobe, atleast not now.
I was lucky to have the 80 year old man come up to me with his cow and ask me to take his photo.
I was busy taking pics of wheels for another theme.

Dragonstar said...

I signed in here, but my post won't be up for two hours yet.

I agree with you about ironing!

And I absolutely love that reflection shot.

Also, many thanks for your kind words on Wednesday.

Leslie: said...

Cool shot! I absolutely HATE ironing, I guess because it's so hard on my back. I usually wait until I need clothes before I'll do a marathon of it.

Liz Hinds said...

Good idea! I must try that one.

Anonymous said...

I hate whoever invented ironing!!! Have a good weekend, and in Australia, we have a spray on iron which I use.

ancient one said...

I have a whole stack of wrinkled shirts.. Good Post. Clever to cover two challenges with one photo!

stan said...

I wear dry fits most of the time so I don't have to worry about that! lol!

Pretty Life Online said...

Perfect choice for photohunt theme.... My entry is up too hope you can hop by if you have the time. Happy weekend to you!

kaycee said...

hahaha! that's an idea =)
i hate ironing =(
happy photo hunting & a great weekend to you

bonggamom said...

I hate ironing as well. I would far rather run put the clothes back into the dryer!

Snap Catch said...

Cool catch for PH theme... mine's up too hope you can visit..

Dr.John said...

Boy that was such a good reflection I didn't even know it was a reflection.

Unknown said...

I almost took a photo of a shirt just like that.. but i knew i had to find a twist.. :) thanks for the wishes..

Anonymous said...

I hate ironing too! :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty neat...the way you did that!

Anonymous said...

Ironing is something I like the least! But there are times when one needs to face something he's not so fond of...:-)

Maddy said...

Clearly Saturday arrives earlier for some than for others, but I'm going to have a go.

Now I just need to sort out the additional links and the list of participants thingy which seems to be eluding me.
Best wishes

jmb said...

Sounds logical to me and it's what I do when I am on vacation and drag some wrinkled outfit from the suitcase. Have a good weekend Carver.

Carver said...

Thanks to everyone for visiting. Happy weekend.

Maddy, I emailed you but I thought I'd also leave a note here that Saturday, U.S. eastern standard time is the official day and TNChick is the host. is her site and you can read the instructions there where she has about photohunters. You don't have to do a linky. You can find others on Saturday after TN Chick posts hers and then we all post there and say ours are up. I'm just another participant and haven't been doing this as long as many people have so am certainly no authority. Although some of us do post early, you are correct that Saturday is the day and the time zone is TN Chicks which is U.S. EST.

Chen said...

i don't iron all my clothes, hence i prefer to buy clothes that don't wrinkled easily. I only iron if necessary.

YTSL said...

Great post! I too don't like ironing clothes but didn't put up a picture of wrinkled clothing as I thought it would be too mundane -- but you have come up with an interesting shot and comments about it! :)

Anonymous said...

Good thing we don't have too many shirts that are wrinkled since I do not enjoy ironing. We just bring those clothes to the laundry shop every week :)

Fishman said...

Oh, I hate ironing too! Thank goodness I can wear t-shirts to work, so I don't have to bother ironing.

Amber Star said...

That is one wrinkledy shirt for sure and I love the reflections in the mirror and window :)

Anonymous said...

I only iron a very few things that dryer settings and steam from the showers don't work the wrinkles out of. It's too bad that steam method doesn't work on faces, LOL!

Anonymous said...

I like the self portrait of your hand. If we ever pass you on a crowded city street and you're carrying your camera, we'll recognize you instantly. Or not. :)

Thanks for playing. It's been fun. Tomorrow is the last day already.

philos said...

Wow! Never knew that steam helps remove wrinkles... I hate ironing too and I'd personally give it a try hehe

Baker Watson said...

I use the steam bath for wrinkles when I'm traveling. It works out pretty well normally.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even come to the idea to take a shot of my clothes that are waiting to be ironed... I hate it too, and with a passion!

Happy weekend Carver!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

I like to iron I know I am odd:)

Kat said...

That is why I always buy shirts that I don't have to iron!! I hate ironing :)

Katney said...

I skipped using my face for wrinkles, too. LOL Good way to combine.

Sandy said...

NO way was I doing my shot

Anonymous said...

Funny - so are you going to iron it or wear it that way?

Amanda said...

Great reflection shot! I like how the camera shows up in the shot as well.

Have a great weekend!

GMAC said...

this is why most of my clothes ar ready to wear. lolz. happy photo hunting!

Patricia said...

Nice photo, Carver. I totally understand your dislike for ironing. My husband wants his work shirts ironed, but I seldom iron any of mine. Hope you are having a delightful weekend.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Another of those 'two birds' shots - very good.

Tokenhippygirl said...

I totally get the whole not liking to iron. I don't even own an iron. My boss is a fanatic ironing guy and he used to comment on my wrinkly clothes. He's given up on me now though and just puts up with my wrinkly self. Nice photo for the week!

Ingrid said...

Ah another wrinkled shirt, lol ! I think I will iron the whole night !

Anonymous said...

I thought of a wrinkled shirt too, and a very similar one by the look of it. I HATE ironing :) Your reflection shots are truly wonderful!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

I almost NEVER iron. I hate ironing! So I had a ton of fodder for today's theme. But instead I went with something more unusual.

My Photo Hunt is up, too! Please visit and leave your link. :)

Kim said...

Wow, you really need an iron! ha ha
Mine is up to...come take a peek.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I hate ironing also. My trick is getting the clothes out of the dryer as soon as the buzzer goes off (and not stuffing the dryer). I then flatten out the wrinkles with my hand.

Anonymous said...

Great catch for the two themes! Your reflection photos are beautiful.

Happy Hunting!

Barbara said...

Great take for the theme, I don't iron very often, I try to dry clothes outside then fold them as I go.

sammawow said...

Terrific take on the wrinkled theme! I had some clean laundry but it wrinkled up pretty quickly with my cat, Willow helping me put the sheets back on the bed!

eastcoastlife said...

What a great idea to have wrinkled clothes 'iron' while in the shower! I'm going to do that too. :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha. that's an amusing and clever one -- steam shower ironing your wrinkled shirt. like it! :D

ipanema said...

i love your take on the theme! nice lighting.

sorry for late reply, was out of town. :)

AscenderRisesAbove said...

i really got a kick out of this photo; making day to day work look very comforting