
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 4 of Photographic Reflections

I took this shot over a year ago and may have posted it before. I like the way it looks like the birds are holding hands (wings) in the reflection. Quilly is hosting this fun challenge.


Dr.John said...

I love the reflection of the birds.

Dee said...

The cool thing about you taking photos all the time is that you have a very nice library of shots that you can share . . . I don't mind if you posted that photo before because I've never seen it and even if I did, I'd want to see it again because it does look like those two birds are holding wings!

Anonymous said...

Carver -- I just visited all of your reflection posts. Reflections off water are my favorite kind. They always look so cool and refreshing. I also like your window shots. Your first one made me look twice. Had those been pine trees I would have thought you were at my former doctor's office in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

My favorite is the one that is up now. I love the right side up and the upside down birds -- and the hand holding comment.

Carletta said...

Lovely shot!
They do like they are holding hands.

juliana said...

what a great shot! birds and their reflections over reflections of trees... so wonderful.

Amber Star said...

I like the way the birds look, too, and the trees and I really like the picture.

Melli said...

That is definitely a very cool shot! It DOES look like the birds are "holding wings"... hehehe... NICE!

jmb said...

Carver what wonderful photos you have been showing in this series and congratulations on you second anniversary.

Mojo said...

I like the way the birds are the only thing truly sharp in the frame. The ripples in the water give it a blur, even though its in focus. I centers all the attention on the subject.
Great shot!
My humble offering...

Ingrid said...

That looks very beautiful !!

Michele said...

That's really cool! They do look like they are holding hands... how neat is that? Nice post.
Mountain Retreat

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting. I appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Very, very beautiful, Carver!!