
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Photographic Reflections Day 5

For the fifth day of this challenge, I have put together a collage of various reflection shots I've taken. You can click inside the photo to see an enlarged version. Quilly is hosting this challenge.


Melli said...

Oh WOW! You do like to put all your eggs in one basket don't you!? Goodness! Well... you have a bzillion to share ... then share! I will continue to hunt mine down one by one... These are all gorgeous Carver! I think I like the canoe shot best...

Ingrid said...

Wow ! that's quite a lot of very nice reflections ! I hope you have some left for the two remaining days, lol !

escape said...

it's like a collage. it reflects calmness and happiness.

Carletta said...

These are absolutely GORGEOUS! I'm with Gattina - hope you saved a couple.

Well done!

juliana said...

each of these photos could stand on its own but together they make a stunning collage.

Anonymous said...

They are all wonderful shots!!! nice idea of putting them all in a collage.

Amber Star said...

That is fabulous! I love all the beautiful pictures with the reflections and all. They are very enjoyable to look at. :)

Anonymous said...

Carver, these are all fabulous shots. Very well done, I must say. You've outdone yourself today.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Or Reflections

Anonymous said...

Woofenderful photos... just woofenderful!! This dog is very impressed woof your art/photos.

Reba @ Reba’s Run
or this dog’s Reflections – Day 5

Dr.John said...

That is one remarkable collage, I just love the pictures. They exude peace and tranquility.

Jientje said...

Wow, you do great reflections!
I read your post reflecting the past two years, and I send you all the positive energy I can possibly find! You're one hell of a strong person!

maryt/theteach said...

Thanks Carver, for finding my Reflect This posts! I appreciate it! :)

jmb said...

You must have a lot of photos in your archives Carver. Great lot of photos and nicely displayed as well.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Beautiful collages of reflections you've got here.
It'll work well for skywatch as well.

There's an award for you here.

Anonymous said...

This is a grand presentation! How are you going to top it for the last two days? I can hardly wait to see!

I like the water shots the best, and like Melli, I think I like the canoe the most.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting and for your thoughtful comments. I have a ton of reflection shots. It's crazy but I've still got twice this many I could post. I'm afraid though that my next one won't be terribly exciting. I am combining my wrinkled photohunt with reflections which is a little limiting for day 6. Not sure what I'll close off with for day 7. I've enjoyed everyone's reflection shots. This is a fun challenge to participate in.

Dragonstar said...

These are wonderful! I think my favourite is the first, with the bird flying over the water, but they are all so good.