
Friday, April 11, 2008

Photohunt: Twisted

The photohunt theme this week is twisted and I thought I'd feature a twisted plant. Below is a closeup of a bloom on a very twisted vine. The vine is wisteria and I took these shots early this week at the end of a trail I walk on. I am always on the lookout for the wisteria to bloom and it rewarded me. The first shot doesn't show how twisted it is. But never fear, I'm sure you didn't think I'd manage to do a photohunt with only one shot.
If you look at the shot below you can see how the wisteria is twisted around on itself as well as how it has twisted around the trees. If you look at the next shot you can see how it has twisted its way around many trees. I've heard that wisteria can be so twisted as to bring down small trees with its weight. Now that's twisted when you think about it. A pretty flower on a vine seducing you in the spring until bam, it pulls down a tree.One last shot of the wisteria is below. I'll admit that I love wisteria and am including the last one because I think it's prettier than the middle shots which emphasize the twisted nature of the wisteria. Perhaps I'm not very twisted (although those who know me best might argue that point) because I like the first shot and the last shot where the emphasis is more on the flowers than the twists and turns.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. On Saturday participants post at the home of the hunt, here - to let you know their posts are up. Some like me, tend to post early, and you can browse the early bird photohunters at technorati, here -


MaR said...

Those are beautiful pictures, as always, Carver. You see some wonderful things during your walks. Lucky me, I get to see them too, through your posts.
I always post early as I have seldom time to blog on weekends. That would mean a quick divorce, lol!

eastcoastlife said...

Wow! Wisteria can be so beautiful, and yet strong as well to bring down a tree!

jmb said...

Goodness me Carver, you are early today. I haven't had lunch yet!

Lovely photos of the wisteria. Mine will be up later. Don't come over until dinnertime at least.
Have a good weekend my dear.

jams o donnell said...

Great shots. I love wisteria. Happy weekend

Susan Demeter said...

Those are so beautiful! Spring is definitely upon us :) Have a nice weekend and happy photo hunting!

Anonymous said...

wow spring flowers!

great find and shot carver.

 gmirage said...

Lovely flowers there that goes twisting down! great post...

by the way thanks for joining the big bang linking, hello from #728!

Dee said...

Carver, great photos - especially from someone who is twisted!

Glad the outhouse stories still have you chuckling. It makes me chuckle, too, and I like that.
Take care, Dee

Leslie: said...

I adore wisterias and would love to have one grow along the front of my house! There are beautiful ones over by Ambleside Beach in West Vancouver that are so fragrant! These are lovely shots, but my "twisted" photos are quite different from yours. :D

Anonymous said...

Love wisteria. They are lovely garden companion. Love the last shot.

ancient one said...

I love wisteria and your photos are just beautiful. I like the flowers better than the twists too!!

Natalie said...

I never knew all that about Wisteria. Strong plant!

Anonymous said...

love the first and last shots, too! so gorgeous!

Barb said...

Wisteria is magnificent in bloom! Great idea Carver. It's all around me and I never thought of it.

maiylah said...

what a lovely find during one of your walks! :)

Anonymous said...

Oye! Your twisted Wisteria is so lovely!! I love Wisteria...
Have a great weekend..

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Carver, as usual I'm exposed to plants and blooms I've never seen.
These wisteria are beautiful and pretty unusual :)

Corey~living and loving said...

ooooooooo I love wisteria. So lovely. Gret choice for the theme. well done.
happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love wisteria! These are wonderful!

Sarge Charlie said...

you cannot improve on nature

Panaderos said...

I love the color of that vine. It's so pretty!

Anonymous said...

wow...great choice for twist theme...

Will you visit my Twist Thanks.

Juliana RW said...

spring flowers...nice shots.

My Twist in here Thanks

Anonymous said...

I love wisteria, too -- so pretty! I saw some on tress along the roadside today and thought of them for the theme, but there wasn't a good place to park and take pictures.

Kristin said...

That is very twisted and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Great looking twisted plant. Beautiful color too.

Have a great weekend, Carver.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - how beautiful!!!

Happy Weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very nice pics. I love wisteria, and you've shown us the beautiful color and complexity of the plant. I love the background information to go with the pics. Just wish I could grow wisteria here.

You are early with your photo hunt. Can't get mine to post yet.

Anonymous said...

The wisteria is beautiful.

Barbara said...

Lovely photos for the theme, I love the colour.

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful wisteria! Those middle photos are certainly twisted, but like you, I love the flowers. Beautiful shots.

LibertyBelle said...

Beautiful photos. Love the Wisteria.
Happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Excellent shots for this week's theme. I love wisteria. Wish we could grow them here in the tropics.

Carin said...

Wow lovely flowers. I really like the colours they have. Great shots.

Rajson said...

Those are so beautiful!
In the nature you can find many twisted things.
Happy weekend!

Harajuku PearL said...

Now this is just so beautiful. Nice shot!

Pearl - have a good weekend and happy hunting

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots... couldn't pick a favorite, they are all so well done!

Liz Hinds said...

Lovely wisteria. I have twisted plants too. I think it could be a popular subject this week!

Cindy said...

I can never see Wisteria without thinking of my Grandmother's front porch. She had a wisteria vine growing there and you could almost see it grow, it grew that fast. It was beautiful as a cover for one end of the porch, and gorgeous when it was in bloom.

My take on "twisted" is Here

Anonymous said...

I think those are so beautiful. :)
Great shots for the twisted theme this week. Happy Hunting!

YTSL said...

Have to admit that I had only read the word "wisteria" but never know how it actually looked until I saw your pictures today, Carver. So thanks extra specially today! :)

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful twisting going on there! :))
Happy weekend Carver!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. the sign of spring. This is a wonderful sight Carver. Love those Wisteria :)

Heather said...

Very beautiful!

maryt/theteach said...

Those are beautiful shots, Carver! Now I'll be able to identify wisteria wherever I go! :D

maryt/theteach said...

Carver, I forgot, I have an award for you at my blog. Come by and get it! :D

Katney said...

I am glad you have such lovely places to walk nearby. My local walks are pretty boring, though I do sometimes find something of minor interest. We ahve to go a ways to find interesting hikes--and belive me, we do.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting my twisted photohunt. I hope you are all having a great weekend.

Deb @ Sugarfused said...

I love wisteria but it absolutely take over if it's not managed properly. Beautiful photos as always, Carver, and a perfect take on the twisted theme :)

Kate said...

I love wisteria. I hope it grows down here in ABQ.... when I get settled I'd love to have some. I used to have Chinese Wisteria planted over an iron arch in my back yard, with a stone bench under the arch. It was so pretty... I miss it.

Unknown said...

what lovely pictures, and I've always loved the plant.

Write From Karen said...

How pretty! I bet it smells wonderful - a cascading shower of flowers.

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful flowers perfect twist for the theme.

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE wisteria!

Melli said...

I have to admit that the woods around my house WERE my first idea for this weeks theme... but then my darlin' granddaughter lead me in a different direction! Beautiful shots Carver!

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting and commenting. Happy weekend!

Liza said...

that is beautiful! i love it! i played too :)

JAMIE said...

Great pictures!!
Have a great week :)

JAMIE said...

Great pictures!!
Have a great week :)

Karen Coutu said...

That's beautiful how all of it is intertwined! Great photos!!! Thanks for sharing them!

Rach said...

Those are very pretty shots!

LibertyBelle said...

I think it's all the twisted branches that make nature so beautiful. Just think if they were all straight as a rod - how boring would that be?
Love your photos!
Happy Weekend

Desert Diva said...

I have some wisteria that "twists" above my front window. It's getting ready to bloom too!

Randi said...

I love Wisteria and I have ordered one for my orangerie. Unfortunately they don´t like our cold climate.
Have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Wisteria must be my favourite plant of all, it's beautiful.Friends of ours had one trained over an arch. Eventually the arch had to be removed because it had become weak but the wisteria had twined around itself so strongly, it remained firmly in place.

Patricia said...

Beautiful photographs, Carver. I love twisted vines and the wisteria is so lovely. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that you have flowers growing, but the proof is here for me to see. Wisteria is beautiful. And I had it at one house I lived in and I know how twisted it can be!

Unknown said...

That's a wonderful take on the theme and a really great photos!

Carver said...

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my photohunt. I'm enjoying all the twisted posts I've been visiting this weekend.

Heart of Rachel said...

Those are beautiful flowers. I love its color. It's wonderful that you see so many beautiful things during your walk. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

As usual glorious photos. Thanks for popping by my place and laving a comment.

Christy Woolum said...

We have waited and waited for our wisteria to bloom each year. Now seeing your beautiful pictures, we wish it even more! Great take on twisted.

Queen of My Domain said...

I love wisteria, it's so pretty. It does twist all over things though doesn't it. Great shots this weekend.

ipanema said...

oh my, they're entangled all over! quiet hard to take photo of this set-up but you made a great shot of the westeria.

thanks for the visit! :)

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Wisteria one of my favorites, nice shots and a good choice for the theme, mine is similar but not as colorful as yours.

Carver said...

Thanks again to all of you for visiting and commenting on my photohunt post. said...

my father would have love that plant! he is into gardening and any unique-looking plants amaze him!