
Friday, January 31, 2014

Photohunters: Bridges and Ways

I had to walk a ways in very cold weather to reach one of the bridges that crosses a creek near my house.
I could say that I walked a ways just for this week's photohunt but that wouldn't strictly be true.
I'm walking every day anyway and I wanted to reach the bridge so I could photograph the frozen creek. My round trip walk was less than 2 miles which isn't as far as most of my daily walks. I started trying to walk every day on January 8, 2014 and so far so good!
I prepared a draft for this week's photohunt on Wednesday but after my Thursday walk, I am adding a couple of different bridges I photographed.
These bridges are even closer to my house than the ones in the first group of photographs. The one above crosses a small creek between the Optimist Pool side of the park and the playground and recreational building side of the park.
Looking over the side of this bridge the creek looks like a snow gully.
Walking a ways further I came to the bridge above which leads towards the tennis court.
There's nothing particularly special about these bridges but I like simple wooden foot bridges. I also think they look pretty in the snow and I didn't want to walk a ways further to the lake bridges.
 Click here for the ways photohunt and here for the bridges photohunt.


Susan Demeter said...

What a lovely and relaxing place to walk. Nature walks are the best. My husband and I like to walk nightly after dinner, and longer hikes on weekends. Happy weekend and photo hunting Carver :)

My photo hunt entry for this week

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love footbridges too. You walked way far enough in that weather and you saw lots of bridges ... perfect combo for the hunt memes.

Photo Cache said...

wow! look at all the snow you had.


Anne said...

Oh my, I think these are very special bridges! I love walkways through the woods. This looks like a beautiful place to live, lucky you!

YTSL said...

I can imagine how cold those outdoors must be. Hope the walks helped warm you up!

eastcoastlife said...

Thanks for showing us these special bridges in the wintry cold. Keep warm and have a great week ahead!

Bing said...

the snow looks intimidating. i wonder if i could have the courage to walk my ways with such a weather.

Ingrid said...

A lot of snow ! beautiful pictures !

Sylvia said...

What a lovely group of photos. I have snow in mine as well and it makes a lovely backdrop and lends a sense of peace and quiet.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Lovely bridges! We had just a bit of snow here... enough to make me glad to live in Alabama :-)
Keep up the walking!

Aiyah Nonya said...

What lovely views you have. You are so lucky although it must be very cold.

Ela said...

What a lovely place to walk and relax. Have a nice week :)

NatureFootstep said...

seems you have a very nice path to follow on your walk. Will give you lots of photo opportunities. :)

SandyCarlson said...

Beautiful winter photos! Mother Nature sure is expanding her winter reach these days!

Mike said...

Wonderful! Footbridges through the woods are wonderful.