Weekend Snapshot and Nature Notes: Sweet smells, surprises, and success

It rained off and on this weekend but I've enjoyed lazy days of enjoying my garden when it stops raining but having the rain start back up before I could get going on the million things that need doing.
The sweet smells of peppermint and lavender as well as the pungent smell of oregano are beginning to greet me when I venture outside into my garden.
I started my lavender from seed over 10 years ago and am always pleased when it starts coming back in the spring. The oregano was started as a clipping over 15 years ago and it is spreading out all over the place.
One of the surprises this year is my foxglove. I used to have a lot of foxglove but it was a casualty of several droughts. This year out of the blue, a spire of foxglove sprang up in the middle of my butterfly weed, hibiscus, and perennial grasses.
Normally my yellow roses don't bloom until June so it was a surprise to spot a yellow rose yesterday.
One of my garden successes is a hydrangea bush which was an off shoot of a large one located at the side of my yard. I dug up a small offshoot and moved it to my back garden. You can see it on the bottom right of the photograph below. It has been growing there for over 5 years and has become a substantial bush in its own right.
The minute it stopped raining long enough to dry up, a pleasant site in the natural world appeared. I love seeing children out playing. Sometimes they add a splash of color with spring dresses and skirts much as the flowers do. I remember when my daughter was one of those spring flowers in her colorful sundresses. The little girl below reminds me of my daughter at that age.
My dutch iris are starting to bloom and they are such a delicate delightful site to me.
I have many different varieties of iris. Some have already bloomed, some are just starting to bloom, and some are yet to bloom. I love all of my irises but the ones blooming now are at the top of my favorites list.
For my last weekend/nature shot, my friendly squirrel sheltered under the pecan tree branches.
To find more weekend snapshots, and or, Nature Notes, please visit the home of Weekend Snapshot and the home of Nature Notes.
What a wonderful tour of your garden.
I just tasted some of my mint which has sprung up all over my side yard. I killed the one lavender plant I tried.
We have rain here, too. Others don't like rain, but as a gardener, it makes me happy.
Wow! Those are pretty flowers! Love the colors!
It's very beautiful yellow rose, Carver...
My entry this week: in HERE. I hope that you can stop by as well. Thanks
what a lovely colors of Spring!!!
It's nice to see your beautiful and thriving garden. Nice photo of that girl walking.
Your garden is filled with delights! It would seem your season is a bit ahead of ours. Love the irises, especially!
i love this time of year. so much green, so many blossoms... so full of potential.
beautiful shots yet again.
Green thumb! And you have a lot of patience and a lovely garden.
Lovely shots! All your greenery looks so healthy and rich! Beautiful greens...
I love irises, my favorite painting of Van Gogh is that of Irises too :) Fun shot of the little cutie too!
HEllo Carver!
These pictures are so beautiful and your words full of love!
I'm envious here about your amazing garden! Fabulous work!
Have a nice weeke
Léia :-)
Thanks for the tour of your garden. I've never tried growing anything edible. I'll bet that mint smells wonderful.
Greeny weekend! Lovely shots as usual,Carver!
I love the way that busy squirrel caps off this series of beautiful spring images. Gorgeous. Thanks for the flowers and the thoughts, Carver.
You have a mini herb garden! I would have to start one on my tiny garden. I envy your spacious garden where there are so many different species of plants.
You have a nice collection of plants. It must be cheering you up when you stroll through it.
Peppermint is a good ingredient for some local food here.
I want that big yellow rose! ;)
Fashionista Horseshoe
Thank you for treating us to another series of beautiful pictures from your garden. I love every shot. Happy WS.
Lovely flowers. And that little girl.. SOO adorable
Your garden is lovely Carver. Finally we are getting green here in western NY and we too have had a lot of rain. I am impressed that you were able to get lavender going. I tried and it didn't do well and never came back. But I think I am going to try again. I am sorry for being so late in getting around, but you know why...Michelle
Lovely photos. Your garden, with the flowers and herbs all over is so refreshing to look at.!
gosh, i love your garden and I'd be really happy to have one like that at home. My WS is up too.
I did some yard work, too, this week-end. Not much - transferred some plants I bought at our OSU Master Gardener plant sale. Scott did some weeding. I worked on my mosaic some. Your post just reminded me that while I did some stuff - there's a lot more to go!
Beautiful photos.
Beautiful photos, you have a garden full of blooms!
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