I have a lot of furry squirrels that nest and live in my oak trees. The furry tail above belongs to a furry squirrel.
The squirrel above is trying to hide in the tree but its furry tail makes it harder to blend in. The squirrel below was content to allow me to photograph a full body shot for the furry photohunt theme.
Snap2Day - parallel lives photohunt post.
PhotoHunt - home of the hunt.
beautiful pics of nature from u this week.
it is late where i live now but i am unable to sleep as the flood waters are slowly rising and soon i might have to shift some furniture away
Absolutely gorgeous pictures!
I love the squirrels and feed "ours" in the winter.
I wish you a great weekend.
Hi Carver, those are some very nice photos of our furry squirrel friends. My cats love to sit in the kitchen window and watch the squirrels in my bird feeder.
happy weekend!
Hah, I think the squirrels I have been feeding in my backyard are related to yours.
I did animal today too.
Happy weekend.
You were lucky to be able to take a photo shot of one in full. They are just too fast for my camera. :P
I love squirrels with their furry tails. I know they are a bit of a pest and get more numerous in our part of the world but I find them cheerful to watch darting about the trees.
Have a great weekend Carver.
Beautiful! I love to watch them but it's always hard to take a photo of them.
Beautiful shots of the little guys!
Happy Weekend.
I love squirels! Great photos!
An accommodating squirrel! They do have lovely tails.
Beautiful! We don't have squirrels here in the Philippines (except maybe in zoos we haven't been to) and I admit, we haven't seen a real live one except in pictures.
you always seem to be in the right place at the right time
Great pictures.
Is that the same squirrel that you caught in the snow!?!? Lovely shots!
brilliant pics! i've not seen a squirrel for ages!
Not so many squirrels in this part of the world. We had so many when I lived in the Washington DC area.
The squirrels I've seen have been disinclined to stay still for long so congratulations on managing to take photos of these hyper as well as furry creatures!
Your furry friends are not welcome at our house. Husband has deleted quite a few. Your photos are simply beautiful.
This squirrel seem to be a regular visitor at your place :P
Have a good weekend!! :)
lol... that is the kind of squirell photos i usually get; missing the real shot three seconds ago
Oh that is cute entries. Happy weekend. Mine is up.
awesome shots! i've always dreamed of photographing animals in their natural habitat...
They are cute..I have one here with 1/2 a tail....
Very nice...where are your past posts? I miss checking out other posts if I don't get around during the week.
Lovely furry shots :)
What I said to Katney - tails don't come furrier than that.
These are terrific! Love the first one of just his tail. Great shots for our furry theme.
Beautiful pictures! I really love the first pic with the tail of the squirrel :)
I'm all new for PhotoHunt. Have a look of my version of Furry! :)
I wish you a great weekend! :)
this is lovely... Funny, it just occurred to me that there are no squirrels in the Maltese islands... I wonder why. Strange!
Have a happy weekend Carver!
Perfect! You KNOW how much my camera loves squirrels! =)
Have a warm and cozy weekend, Carver!
Squirrels are fascinating. They always seem to be busy with something. Great shots!
That's a good choice, Our neighborhood is full of them but I don't think I could get a good picture -- they move too often and too quickly!
Thanks a lot for your comment of my first picture on PhotoHunt! :)
It warms my heart!
Now I'm looking forward to shot Bridge(s) :)
Have you been playing PhotoHunt for a long time?
Anna in Sweden
Oh so cute!!!
Lovely pictures all.
Have a great weekend!
Nicely done, Carver... those little critters certainly get around. Best wishes regarding your upcoming scans.
Wonderful pics...clarity is great.
Mine's up, too
Great pictures!
Lovely! Must be the furriest tail in the business.
The last shot is great, contrasting the furry squirrel with the wood of the fence.
When I scrolled down and for a moment saw only the first picture, I thought it was a caterpillar. I was very relieved to see the rest of the lovely shots!
Wow! Furry tails!
I hope you get a chance to visit!
Happy weekend!
Very nice of Mr Squirrel to pose for you :-) Thanks for stopping by Spatter...
cute captures! I've been sick and not on the internet.. :) We are recovering though...
hello friend!....would you mind if we xlinks?....my link is,http://etherealheaven.blogspot.com...just feel free to check it out...take care friend ^_^
I`ve just learned to write the word squirrel (did I get it right??). It`s a bit hard, so practice is good, hehe.
Great squirrel pictures ;)
Oh my goodness! I love this photo of the squirrels tail! so very cool! My hunt is up, please come and visit soon
I love watching the squirrels in our backyard every day. You have some great photos. I actually thought of using squirrel photos, but came up with something else. Have a great weekend.
Very cool squirrel photos! Great take on the theme this week.
cute furry tail there:) I imagine he's trying to hide but can't with that fully furry tail at his back. I also like the 3rd pic with the squirrel precariously standing.
Gorgeous shots Carver. Beautiful!
Awesome shots... his tail is quite furry, hey? Your camera did well at really picking up the furriness! Nice.
she's a cutie! the tail in the first photo made me smile :)
Squirrels are hated around my house ... drive my dogs nuts! But they are kind of cute.
you know what? the squirrel is one of the animals that i really want to see and hold some day. it's next to a chinese panda.
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