So many of the shots I'm taking now are bare branches against gray skies or birds in branches against cloudy skies. I love the winter trees and even the clouds but thought I'd put a little color on my blog today. Even white flowers in the summer are brighter than the winter shots I'm taking. I have a ton of flower shots that I never posted although I did post similar ones. I can't believe how many shots from 2008 I put in folders thinking I might post them on my blog at some point and never did.It's not that they are great shots but for different reasons, I selected them out as ones I thought I'd use on posts.Perhaps winter is a good time to periodically post flower shots to brighten up the day (mine in any event). Looking over my flowers long gone but saved in a photograph was a rather cheerful activity.Even the hosta leaves without flowers are a memory of bright colors. They are all gone and will emerge their tiny spiky heads in the spring.The lantana above makes me think of the hummingbirds as they love to feast on its nectar. The hummers are gone for the winter and the lantana has died back although it will emerge again in the spring.In a way it's funny for me to be posting all these summer flower shots because I am longing for a big snow. We've had little dustings of snow most winters but it has been over three years since we've had any significant snow. I am a little superstitious though about what I wish for. I do not want a situation like we had in 2003 when an ice storm followed by snow created long term power outages. I also remember an ER visit when Bill had slipped on ice at work and hit his head. Thankfully Judith had shovelled the driveway so we were able to get to her Dad at the hospital. That was in 2000. I'm very specific in what I'm yearning for. I want a nice fluffy snow about 6 inches deep but without a sheet of ice on top. I don't want any traffic accidents or hardships for people. I think what I want is a winter fairy tale forest without the witches.
Believe me I would be glad to send you most of our snow. It is a pain not a blessing. Your flowers on the other hand brought a little light into our darkness. I long for spring.
thank you for these lovely flowers. they really cheered me up and i would gladly exchange all the snow and cold we're getting for a summer's day
Believe me I would be glad to send you most of our snow. It is a pain not a blessing. Your flowers on the other hand brought a little light into our darkness. I long for spring.
Ahh a breathe of fresh air. These are all so lovely Carver...
Oh, Carver! Thank you so much for posting the flower pics! Just the medicine I needed after several days of gray skies!
Nice cheer us up photos Carver.
Do be careful what you wish for. Any snow is nasty but 6 inches is way over the top. Trust me, you don't want any at all.
Everyday when I walk to the garage I pass by a lone purple flower that is still in the flower bed and it always makes me smile.
Thanks for your splash of spring color= great vibrant shots !
I needed this...especially with the windchill at minus 12...brrrr...
I love your photo of the lantana - I've never seen one of those before! Your photos really brightened my mood today...
Yum. I want to eat these photos.
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