From Mimi's Blog-
This meme is a movement.
Let's move it.
Tag at will!
Here are the rules and the story.
(3) Tag at as many people as you'd like.
We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
Won't you join us?
November 6, 2008
How To Get Your Peace Globe In 4 easy steps!
1. Right CLICK and SAVE the peace globe below or choose from other designs here.
2. Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
3. Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at yahoo.com - Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here and signing the Mr. Linky. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.
Here's the most important part.
4. On November 6, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace or simply fly your globe.
Go HERE for the other 3 globe template choices!)
If you'd like to help spread the word, take this button to your site. The code is in my sidebar.
- A Great Pleasure
- A Journey Into The Mind & Life Of A Teenager
- A Nice Place In The Sun
- A Piece Of My Mind
- A Room Of Crazy Scrapper
- A Simple Life
- A Word In Edgewise
- Alasandra & The Cats
- Amazing Life
- Amel's Realm
- Amori,poesie,arte,chat by Hanna
- And Miles To Go Before We Sleep...
- Angell'z Secretz
- Another Desert Rat
- Anyhow Blogs
- Anything Goes
- Apples Of The Eyes
- Are We There Yet?
- Are You Grateful?
- Asara's Mental Meanderings
- Ask A Lesbian
- Attitude, The Ultimate Power
- Awestruck
- Backroads West Virginia
- Balitang Kalye
- BearsMountain
- Beggar's Shot Glass
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- Bits and Pieces by Jan
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- Blogger Happy
- Blue Dreamer's Top Five
- Bogie's Wonderland
- Byrningbunny's Challenge Page
- Cafe At the End Of The Universe
- california is a recipe for a black hole
- Candid Karina
- Cap'n Dyke Lesbian Pirate Queen and Rogue Blogger
- Captain Picard's Journal
- Carver's Site Or Is That Sight?
- Castle Of Nannbugg
- Cathy's Resurrection Corner
- Caught In The Stream
- Chanel's Journal
- Chocolate Mint Girl
- Chronicles and Tales Unlimited (RED)
- Chrysalis Angel
- Colloquium
- Clean And Simple
- Comedy Plus
- Communique by Ivanhoe
- Crazy Working Mom
- Crows and Daisies
- Daisy The Curly Cat
- Dana's Random Blatherings
- Dating Profile Of The Day
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- Diario de Iza
- Dixie's Heart And Soul
- Dottie's Place
- Down River Drivel
- Drowsey Monkey
- Duward Discussion
- Emila's Illustrated Blog
- Etavasi
- Everyday Healy
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- Expressions and Thoughts
- Feathering On My Nest
- Fil-Am Never Ending Stories
- Filipina In Hawaii
- Find Out What Jen Finds
- Fishing Around
- Foster Me Up
- Foxxyfyrre's Honk 'n Hollr
- From The Roads
- Good thoughts, good trades, good life
- Hahn At Home
- Happy and Scrappy In Ohio
- Happy Life
- Health Psych
- Hearbeats....
- Heart Of Rachel
- Hello?....Is This Thing On?
- Hnetka Goes HMmmm
- Hobbies And Such
- Home In France
- Hootin' Anni's
- Idaho Daily Photo
- In Search Of Life
- Inner Wall
- Isis Dominguez Lahora
- It's All Good
- It's Not A Weekend: It's A Lifestyle
- It's Sanni-licious
- Jannaverse
- JB's Small World
- Journey To Authenticity
- Julie Pippert: Using My Words
- Julie's Blog
- Julie's Jewels & Junque
- Just About Scrapping
- Just Me And My Creations
- Just Write
- Keep Fondly In My Mind (Twinkletoe)
- Kellementology
- Kids, Cats, & Books....What Else Is There?
- Lakeside Lair
- Laketrees
- Larry Hnetka Goes HMmmm
- Last Minute Lyn's Life
- Late Bloomer Boomer
- Late Night Latte
- Leaf Float Down River
- Leaping Before I Look
- Life and Adventure
- Life Is A Roller Coaster
- Life's A Dance You Learn As You Go
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- Luz de Luma, yes party!
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- Mom's Musings
- moms...check nyo
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- My Blog Rules
- My Colorful World
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- Namnet's Philosophizing Playground
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- Ramblings and Whatnot
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- Random Autumness
- Rants, Raves, & Random Thoughts
- RDH Mom
- Rojoy's Daily Update
- Rooms Of My Heart
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- Rose' World
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- Run Away Thoughts Of EMZ
- Sacred Ruminations
- Sarah Spelled The Right Way
- Sarge Charlie
- Saturday 9
- Scraphut
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- Second Effort
- Secret Agent Mama
- Secret Monologues
- Shannon's Moments of Introspection
- Ship's Log Of GT281
- Simply Sassy
- Slavery Bliss
- Space Of Reality
- Speedcat Hollydale
- Straight Forward Comic
- Strange But True
- Stray Thoughts
- Sunday Stealing with Judd Corizan
- Surgeonsblog
- Tangled Up In Twyla
- Tarheel Ramblings
- Teacher Julie
- Tell Me About It
- Teri Teri Quite Contrary
- Tertium Quid
- That Grrrl
- The Backwoods Drifter
- The Beacon
- The Best Is Yet To Come
- The Big Leather Couch
- The Calalilly Space
- The Cookie Sheet
- The Evil Blogger Twin
- The Furry Bambinos
- The Furry Diva
- The Gaytheist Agenda
- The House Of The Flying Monkeys
- The Ice Box
- The Junk Drawer
- The Kat House
- The Morning Meeting
- The Painted Veil
- The Puppy's Palace
- The Random Forest
- The Rising Blogger
- The Salty Mooch
- The Starr Ann Chronicles
- This And That
- this is Jo Beaufoix.com.....like Kate Moss, but not
- This That and The Other Thing
- Titration
- Trav's Thoughts
- Twisted Sister
- Vaguetarian Tea Room
- Valerie Joy
- Valley Girl
- Vixen's Den
- Wading Through My Stream of Consciousness
- Wandering Consciousness
- Warmstone
- Weird Sanctuary
- Weird Sanctuary
- What She Said Too
- When Silence Speaks
- When Your Only Tool Is A Hammer
- Will Think 4 Wine
- Will Write For Food
- Witty Writer Gal
- Wonderland Or Not
- Work Of The Poet
- World So Wide
- Writer Cramps
- WTIT Tape Radio
- Your Caring Angels
- Zaius Nation
- Driven To Distraction
- Why? What Have You Heard?
............................................................................................................YOUR NAME HERE.
Please passing this meme through the blogosphere. Peace + Power
This is Mimi Pencil Skirt reporting from the lovely land of the Peace Globes.
Memeing the Movement.
**End Copy**
That was the end of Mimi's post and this is Carver again, I hope you will consider joining the movement. I also posted about the upcoming blogblast for peace in this WS Post where I showed my new globe. You can visit the gallery to see what others have done. Everyone makes the globe their own.
Sounds like you had a great time. You heard a performer you like and you supported a candidate you believe in. I envy those of you who have made a choice.
James Taylor!! Sweet baby James! Fire and Rain! pls excuse me, I just have to go and play his "best of" CD...::sigh::
this movement will surely move the people in that area.
james taylor live? i envy you :)))
I too am very fond of James Taylor so envy you a sight of the man in person.
Oh, I must organize my globe for Mimi's Peace movement. I'm not particularly good at doing these things and will have to remember how I did it last year.
I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.
This afternoon I had a compelling urge to let my students hear his live version of "The Water Is Wide" and they loved it.....and here I am mentioned in the same post as the great James Taylor (you saw him LIVE??!! I am so jealous) on the same day. That's a little spooky.
Wonder if he has a blog and wants as peace globe...hmmm....just a thought!
You know I'll do it!
P.S. Thank you so much for promoting. You are awesome.
I was about to be upset with you for not passing this along to me, but then I noticed the date... I was out of town anyway.
Where was this? Looks like Moore Square maybe? Or possibly the grounds of the Capitol Building...
Wow! James Taylor just hanging out singing at a rally. He is my absolute favorite and I swear that his voice is getting better and better. What a outstanding after lunch treat!
So glad to hear that James Taylor is in good voice, since most of the older singers I have gone to see have lost some of their voices.
Love JT- I saw him about 15 years ago at Hershey Park.
although I probably won't post the peace movement, I am a with you guys all the way!
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