
Friday, July 11, 2008

Photohunt: Support

The photohunt theme this week is support. I thought I would show the support for the James River Bridge at the James River/Otter Creek recreational area on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I took these shots in October of 2007. The first shows the pedestrian bridge which is under the highway bridge. I have to say when cars are going over my head, I'm glad to see a very sturdy looking support structure which is holding everything in place.
The next shot shows the highway and pedestrian bridges as well as their reflections in the water. You can see the support for both bridges. It's a two story bridge for this section although with the reflection it looks like four.
The next shot shows the bridge for the road stretching across the recreation area and gives a clear view of the support for the bridge. The last shot shows the reflection of the highway bridge in the water. You can see the support for the bridge upside down in the water on the bottom right hand side.
I hope everyone has a great weekend and finds the support they need in whatever situation they find themselves. Hopefully if you walk under any bridges with cars on top of your head, the support will be sufficient that there will be plenty of space between the cars and your head.

You can browse other photohunt support posts on technorati here - and at the photohunt home on Saturday here -


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

The supports of that bridge definitely looks sturdy.
We all need support at some point in our life. Here's wishing you'll get support whenever you need it Carver :)
Enjoy the weekend!

Heart of Rachel said...

Great shots. Those look like strong bridges. Safety should always be prioritized by people who construct bridges. They should be built with strong foundations to support considerable weight.

Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful shots you came up with for Support! I like them all...

Randi said...

Good take on the theme and what a wonderful set of photos!
Happy weekend.

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful photos Carver! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy photo hunting :)

jams o donnell said...

Great shots! Happy weekend

Leslie: said...

These are beautiful photos of the bridges and their supports. I almost did bridges because we have so many around here, but took a different approach. Come on over to check it out.

Snap Catch said...

Nice entry for today's theme... Happy weekend! Mine is up too hope you can drop by...

Anonymous said...

I love those shots!

Happy weekend!

ancient one said...

We think alike! Love seeing your strong bridges with all their supports!

Pretty Life Online said...

Great idea for today's theme... Happy weekend! Hope you'll visit mine too.

Anonymous said...

that bridge looks sturdy, great architectures detail, when I was walking the Brooklyn Bridge, I thought I might just fall through the wooden walkway

have a great weekend


Rach said...

I like the one with the reflection :-) Hope you have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Love all the bridges. I am also glad that the bridge has strong support. Happy weekend!

jmb said...

Not only great support photos Carver but they are beautiful as well. I went for a bridge but other things too. Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Great shots for this theme! Happy weekend!

Sarge Charlie said...

good one miss Carver, I thought about bridges but went of on another tangent

marcia@joyismygoal said...

bride is well supported and so are you on your blog

Colin Campbell said...

As a Civil Engineer, I can appreciate the value of these supports.

Anonymous said...

Great post this week! Have a good weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the shot where it shows a very blue sky. Happy hunting.

Natalie said...

Those are fantastic bridge shots. I thought about bridges, but didn't have any pictures of any. I had to stretch the definition of support.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Very nice photos and fits perfectly for the theme! Happy PH!

Anonymous said...

Support bridges... Good idea for the suppport theme

eastcoastlife said...

The James River Bridge is long. What a river!

Support for you. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Love your photos, Carver :) Nice weather shots.

Great weekend!

SabineM said...

carver, lovely photos and lovely post! Being in earthquake country, I always hope the support is sufficient!
have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Good support is necessary if we fragile humans are to walk underneath a structure. :)

maiylah said...

it's helps to know that those supports are sturdy and reliable! :)

happy photo hunting!

Anonymous said...

Love your pictures for the theme, Carver. Particularly the one with the water reflection.

ipanema said...

beautiful bridge photos.

happy weekend! :)

YTSL said...

Great photos, Carver. Have to admit that I found myself admiring the scenery as well as the supports in question... ;b

Harajuku PearL said...

many great pictures you got here. Initially i wanted to show some bridges shots but changed my mind to somthing closer to heart ;)

Pearl - have a good weekend

Jientje said...

Wow, that's a great post! I love the pictures, and I love how you showed us different angles of that same bridge! My favourites are the ones with the reflections, I just love reflections!

maryt/theteach said...

Interesting bridge, Carver! A very strudy pedestrian bridge underneath which is very unusual. :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Just stopped back by to say thank you for your nice comment.

Hootin Anni said...

Great photos. I love all the angles and perspectives of these too. The last one with the reflections would make one awesome jigsaw puzzle.

Happy weekend, and thanks for stopping by my hunt photo...and support!

Bengbeng said...

i am using a better camera now n still yet to produce such beautiful shots as yrs. great work Carver

Write From Karen said...

Love the first and fourth shots, Carver. I agree, that WOULD be creepy to walk under the roadway like that.

Write From Karen

Patricia said...

Lovely photos, Carver. I've never seen a walkway under a bridge before. I must admit that bridges make me a little nervous. It takes a bit of faith to rely on those support structures, doesn't it? Hope your weekend is delightful.

Queen of My Domain said...

Beautiful support. Looks like a great place to visit also. Have a wonderful weekend.

Dragonstar said...

I love your shots. The patterns in the first pic are like abstract art, and I really enjoy reflections. I don't think I'd like having cars driving above my head though!

tanabata said...

Great shots for the theme. And I do love that blue sky in the third one.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful series! The first reflection shot really does look like four sections, it's so clear. Have a great weekend!

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting. I appreciate your comments and support. Cheers, Carver

Kat said...

Those shots are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is a different kind of walkway,... don't believe I ever saw one underneath. Going from Ohio to Kentucky, their walkways are along side of the highway,.. but separate from the main bridge. Great photos and have a good week.

Nicole Pelton said...

What pretty and colorful photos.

Theresa said...

Great support of a support :)
Great photos
...and yes your ending paragraph is so true, we all need support from each other!

Have a good weekend

sammawow said...

Oh, what wonderful pictures these are for the theme this week! I hope that you have a wonderful weekend also!

Wade Huntsinger said...

Nice, I support that bridge too.

Carin said...

Thanks for sharing all these lovely pictures. Am also glad to see bridges firmly supported. Great entries.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting. I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Unknown said...

Very creative take on the theme - and great choices, too.

Happy weekend!


Jeanne said...

beautiful shots!

My WS Entry is here

Barbara said...

I am catching up after a busy weekend. Good choices for support, pop over and see mine a different bridge of support.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting my photohunt post and for commenting.