
Friday, October 11, 2013

Photohunters: Plant Close Up

The two photohunter themes: Plant and A Close Up, fit together very easily.
 photo 00PHplntcloseupDSCN6675.jpg
My first two choices are close-ups of my hostas.
 photo 00PHcloseuplntIMG_6351.jpg
The last plant close-up is of my butterfly weeds. These are all summer shots from different years. The first and last shots are macros as well as close-ups. I don't think I used a macro lens setting for the middle shot. I looked it up and macros are also close-ups although close-ups aren't always macros. I wouldn't want to see a macro of my face because it would show every wrinkle but a close-up might miss some of my wrinkles.
 photo 00PHplandcloseupIMG_8651.jpg


Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful pics and your hostas are lovely :) Happy weekend and photo hunting!

my close-up of a plant

Photo Cache said...

Yes the themes today fit perfectly like hand and glove. Love the hostas you featured. I must start adding them to my garden.

Happy wkend.

MaR said...

I love hostas but they don't grow well in my climate... beautiful shots, Carver, love the droplets
I avoid magnifying mirrors myself :)
Happy weekend!


Annie said...

Your hostas are beautiful! I love the water droplets you captured. Happy weekend!

Chris-June said...

very beautiful shots of the plants. love the waterdrops.

YTSL said...

I found that this week's two Photo Hunt themes fit together easily too. Love it when that happens! :)

eastcoastlife said...

I was looking forward to your beautiful plants in your garden. Surprisingly no flowering ones. :)

Ingrid said...

How beautiful the leaves with raindrops !

NatureFootstep said...

the green in your plants looks very fresh. :) Gorgeous droplets.

Mike said...

I agree these themes went well together. I love the water drops on the last one, as well.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I never did understand the difference between macro and closeup either...but maybe I do now a little bit more, thank you! I DO know what I like though and I like your pictures! (The water droplets are just the touch to make great photos perfect..)