
Monday, October 28, 2013

Nature Notes: Berries Birds Trees Frost

A few of my bittersweet berries have burst open to show off their fall colors.
The female cardinal below seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
The little finch also stayed in repose for a long time.
A male cardinal posed for me.
An American Robin was also very calm.
We had our first hard freeze over the weekend.
More and more trees are putting on their spring clothes in Raleigh, NC where I live.
The mourning doves are the same color as my deck.
I've been spotting a lot of brown thrashers in my yard and on my deck.
Last but not least a mockingbird.


Ela said...

Fantastic natur photos. Your birds are beautiful :)

Mary said...

So lovely bird shots! Great!

Cezar and Léia said...

The female cardinal is cute, love the picture. I'm always enchanted by your lovely shots, the birds are cute!

Leora said...

Your birds do like to pose for you. A happy collection.

DeniseinVA said...

You have a lovely variety of feathered friends. Always enjoyable to see your photos :)

Karen said...

Lot's of lovely visitors Carver!

Laura said...

Beautiful guests have come to call Carver... lovely photos!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have a red and gray theme going on all through the post; every picture is beautiful.

MyMaracas said...

Great shots - love the mockingbird!

eileeninmd said...

Carver, you do have a great variety of birds at your place. Wonderful photos! Have a happy week!

magiceye said...

Lovely captures all!!

SandyCarlson said...

Hard freezes! We are there....These are beautiful.

Ingrid said...

How can you see who is female and who is male ? To me they are beautiful birds, lol !

EG CameraGirl said...

We just had our first hard freeze too! I'm always impressed by the variety of birds that visit your feeder.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm impressed, you have a whole neighborhood on your back porch.