The first shot is after the redbud tree has finished flowering and is starting to form the pods which hold the seeds for new trees. The shot below is after the pods and leaves are mature later in the growing season. The natural process means lots of volunteer trees will appear around my yard some of which I let grow when they volunteer somewhere I want a new redbud. The animals also eat a lot of the redbud seeds which nature provides them.
I have stuck with my natural hair color although what was once all brown is now getting some frosted looking strands courtesy of mother nature. My forehead is also filled with natural lines.
The money plant forms seed pods which start as green and then turn white. Having a natural garden, even after the pods have released their seeds, I let the empty white husks below sparkle on the ground.
One last natural cycle in my garden is demonstrated by the hibiscus below (rose of sharon) which has gone to seed.
For other natural photohunters, please visit the home of the hunt where links are posted beginning Saturday mornings.
Hi Carver, love your take on this theme. Seed pods are so fascinating and these are some great photos. And I love the "natural" hair frosting too!
Happy weekend. It sure doesn't feel like autumn here in NC yet, does it?
lovely shots. the last one is magical. happy weekend.
I love the fuzzy stuff in the last shot.
And I go (almost) all natural too.
My hair looks similar to yours.
I just use Henna from time to time.
Healthy for my hair and I would never use chemicals.
All perfect for the theme... love your natural hair...
this is a superb take on the theme. now that i'm reading your post i could have done mine a whole different way. great job.
so appropos with the change of season too.
happy weekend.
Great choices for the theme :)
Excellent choices. My hair has gone from brown too. The good news though is that I have less grey hair than I had last year, the bad news is that there's less hair!
I love all of your photos for natural, but my favorite, for some reason, is the natural beauty of your hair. Great capture!
Photo # 1 is so charming and somewhat mysterious...
God bless you!
Wonderful photos Carver of your natural garden. My hair is natural too although I am completely frosted now. I must remember I am not grey but frosted.
Happy weekend to you Carver.
Wonderful shots - all natural!
Hi Carver --
Like you, I felt spoilt for choice for this week's Photo Hunt... *and* have resisted coloring my hair! :)
A neat little collection of natural items. Excellent take on the theme.
Your idea simply excellent carverblog.blogspot.com
oh, you got it all covered.:p
i love the changing of the seasons, although we only have 2 here, the dry and the wet.:p
beautiful photo of the pods, gorgeous natural light.
Lovely series of shots. I have that grey hair issue too.
I haven't gone out to take photos of 'our' natural surrounding so I took another route for this theme. And yes very timely since it's fall technically no? Happy weekend!
wow...i like ur surroundings. love the macros.
happy weekend! :)
Love all the natural cycles you have captured. Especially love the hibiscus shot when it has turned to seed! Quite an alternative beauty!
i love your shots..naturally beautiful, all of them. Am having some more gray hairs too and like you, am letting it out au naturelle..have a good weekend!
The seed pods in the second picture are such a vibrant green.
love these shots! i always wanted to plant those money plants (my mom had them).and i think i might have some in my seed collection (will go look). and i just planted 2 sharons - hope they make it. nice visiting.
i like your natural take for this post. i love the head shot and humor :)
my natural post is on my plant blog today.
great photos!
It's a beautiful natural cycle. I particularly like that last picture.
My PhotoHunt is here.
The last photo of the hibiscus pods made me think of bats, as in bats in the belfry. Nice....I think there's nothing more stunning than a head of grey, whether it belongs to a man or woman. But then, I'm greying, too. :-)
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
The photo of the pods is amazing! An incredible green.
I can relate to the hair. I'm 51 and my hair is naturally about 90% silver. Whatever dark hair that is there sort of blends into an overall platinum. For me, it's definitely a statement. :-)
My Post for Photo Hunt
i can see i have much more 'frosting' then you ;-)
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