I feel like for close to a month I'll say it's getting cooler and then bam the heat hits hard and heavy again. The main difference in September and August this year has been in the evenings and mornings and a few cooler September days.
But with the end of September and moving into the extended forecast it is much cooler and doesn't look like it will be getting hot again. I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying that.
The Virginia Creeper below started dropping it's leaves before they turned red because of the combo of hot days and virtually no rain the past few weeks. I didn't realize that there was a bird's nest in there until the vine started dying back.
I do have Virginia Creeper in my front yard which is doing fine (probably because it's in the shade unlike the vine above in the back yard) and at least I'll get to see that turn red.
Fortunately we finally got a nice soaking rain and I was definitely ready to see it. The saving grace this summer was plenty of rain with the heat but September has been much drier so rain is welcome at this point.
I hope that we won't see any more extreme heat until next summer. It's encouraging that on average the rest of this week into the next one looks like it will be about 20 degrees cooler than last week. I didn't intend this to turn into a weather report but that seems to be what this week's nature notes has been.
Click for the home of Nature Notes. The new link goes up there by Thursday.
Oh, I do love the blue jay.
Yes, please, next summer, no more of this awful humidity... is Anyone listening?
Maybe I'll do Nature Notes next week... we have one more week of holiday this week. I have a cardinal photo I took in August in my backyard.
It is so much cooler here and all of a sudden some of the trees are losing their leaves...I am wondering about the butterfly of course..Will try to look for it..I will post my NN after my neurology visit tomorrow....Michelle
Ah, so beautiful again :D
I know what you mean. Hot again over here too and humid for three days, dusty now the 4th day...yuck :(
Our trees outside had a bit of autumn and now they play spring all over with nice smelling blossoms and new sprouts.
Would take photos, but it's too dusty :(
I love autumn and all its crazy changes. It seems I have hardly taken notice of them this year unless they have bopped me over the head.
Here in South Cahkalacky we finally got the rain the cool temps and like you I am just holding my breath for the heat to return! I love fall and fall like temps not the hot box we've been in for the past few weeks. Here's hoping we stay cool and the rains come on a regular basis!
That spider web photo really rocks. And I hate the heat, too. Hope you get some cooler days soon.
Your photos look very much like autumn to me even though I know you are in a much warmer clime than I am. That's a wonderful shot of the blue jay!
I love the cool freshness in the air at this time of year. You've shared a wonderful variety of photos with us today. They are always so beautiful.
Thanks for visiting me on the weekend in black and white. Sorry I can´t find your, but here I found many lovely photos.
we also have that kind of bluebird visiting here in the complex every year, unfortunately never had the chance to capture some shots this time around.
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