They tend to bloom especially well, at my house, towards the end of summer when other flowers are going to seed.
My echinacea (purple coneflower) is mostly going to seed but I did spot a new small bloom hiding among the old. Although as you can see below the new blossom looks like a pink coneflower. Not sure why these late blooms are light pink since the other blooms on the same plant were a deep purple.
Throughout this post I'll keep going back to the morning glory vines because I've been photographing them so much. I'm having trouble picking the shots I like the most of the morning glory ones.
Not sure why but the one morning glory that bloomed early in the summer was the white ones. Now at the end of the summer with so many of the blue and purple morning glory blooming I'm not seeing the white ones.
The various hibiscus (rose of sharon) shrubs throughout my yard are continuing to bloom well.
They are very popular with ants. When I walk past them if I brush against the rose of sharon, I get ants all over me.
I guess I'll end with one more morning glory shot. I think they should be called morning evening glory. I notice that they not only open at dawn and shut during the heat of the day, they also open in the early evening.
For flowers around the world, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.
Bonjour chérie!
Again beautiful energies and love colours from this post.This set of flowers is wonderful.The first flower is really called "morning Glory"?It's magnificent!
Enjoy your Sunday with lots of love!
marvelous...love the first one.congrats
These are beautiful Carver! The last morning glory is my favorite of those.
The rose of sharon are gorgeous. I didn't notice about the ants till I took a shot yesterday of a new bud and when I downloaded it I had little ants all over it. :)
Love those morning glories.
Thistles and butterfly
Stunning. No morning glories here unfortunatly but I appreciate yours and the other flowers.
Those Morning Glories have an unearthly quality about them, the colours are just so striking.
Cone flowers are odd things, usually, particularly in roses, heat makes them much paler. The other reason may be that towards the end of its flowering season the trace elements it needed for its usual colour are used up in the soil.
Spectacular! These glow. I love morning glories.
Love your pretty morning glories. We tried growing them here on our fence but the groundhog loves them.
that's a stunning Morning Glory. i don't think we have that color here--i've only seen them in lilac.
What vivid color! I would shoot them as often if I see one!
Thanks for sharing all these lovely photographs. I think if my Morning Glory's were as beautiful as yours, I would let them run wild too. Have a great week.
An English Girl Rambles
Nice shots! The dark purple morning glory is Grandpa Ott's morning glory, I think it would take over the world if allowed......lol.......I still love it, the dark purple color is beautiful.
All are beautiful! The last one sure looks like it has a light shining from within.
These are beautiful!
Very nice... and once you have a morning glory, you may very well have them for life! L
How pretty...what a wonderful garden you must have. I especially like the morning glories...such deep rich color!
I like all your flowers, but I love the colour of the dark blue Morning Glory!
Thanks for your visit.
Wow, that first one is so vibrant it almost jumps off the page.
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