I was tempted to use my colorful vocabulary while caught in rush hour traffic which was made worse by road work. It occurred to me that the traffic cones and church were very colorful. Since my camera was at hand and the traffic was at a standstill, I took the colorful shot below.
Click here for the home of photohunters where participant post their links beginning on Saturday.
This looks like a very beautiful church. lovely colours and great architecture.
Sorry about the traffic jam but what a nice photo of that fine looking church.
I remember seeing a cartoon one time about how those traffic cones should be designated the new NC state tree. :) They are almost as common as the pine tree these days.
Happy weekend!
Wow! I love the church structure. Beautiful! :)
Those cones do make a colourful display, don't they, even if they make our blood boil as we drive about.
Happy weekend to your Carver.
this is colorful indeed.
happy weekend.
beautiful--I often want to exercise my colorful language also in traffic!
The cones clash with the church's roof...LOL!
Very colourful indeed. Great shot
we both have orange hues in our entries :)
happy weekend!
Lovely shot.
Talk about using your time well and turning a setback (or, at least, potential time wasting occasion) into a productive opportunity! :)
Great shot!! Love the church architecture too. Well done! Happy weekend!
that's a very stunning church!
I'd sure love to pass by it sans the traffic jam :D
My entry has almost the same color as mine, and structure-related, too: http://bisdakbabbles.com/2010/08/07/photohunt-colorful-2/
nice subjects carver. you've caught something colourful and beautiful at the same time.
happy weekend! :)
wow Carver, driving and taking pictures ! :)
The church is beautiful and I like a lot the colours in this picture, perfect work!
Have a nice Sunday
The church is a beautiful building. I'm not convinced that the traffic cones enhance it though, though I can't deny they're colourful. :)
Yeah, I like lots of earthy colors like this.
A red roof against a brilliant blue sky always catching my eye! This is a beautiful church!
Good use of your time..I will have to remember that I always carry a camera with me...
Spoken like a true photographer -hahaha. I agree, always have that camera at hand! You'll never know what you might capture. Lovely subject, good composition. :)
That is def. one great & colourful church :D
Love the backdrop of the sky too!
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