
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Today's Flowers: Hiding in plain view

I was fascinated with how my black-eyed susan (rudbeckia) seemed to be blowing in different directions.
today flow goldf IMG_2531
I thought it must be a very strange wind that kept changing course.
today fl an gold IMG_2493
Finally I figured out that there were several American Goldfinch feeding on the flower centers where the seeds are forming.
today flow gold 3 IMG_2537
The birds blend in so well that it is easy to miss them until they come out from the full part of the flowers.
today flow goldf 2 IMG_2538
I usually see them feeding on the purple cone flowers (echinacea) where they aren't camouflaged as well as they are on the black eyed susan.
today flow IMG_2542
Please visit the home of Today's Flowers to see flowers around the world.


kenju said...

The finches are so pretty! Haven't seen any around here lately.

lazyclick said...

Beautiful flowers, lovely yellow bird in the middle.

eileeninmd said...

Great capture of the Goldie, wonderful photos of the black eyed susans.

Tammie Lee said...

lovely as can be~

Lui said...

Smart birds on pretty flowers. They made my day!

Dani said...

Ha, we have these flowers in my garden. never knew their name.

At first i didnt notice that cute bird. Great photos.

Thank you.

Rambling Woods said...

The finches love black-eyed susan seeds too...aren't they so cute...

Unknown said...

clever yellow bird among yellow flowers. great shots.

Caron said...

I saw the bird right away and wondered if you were trying to surprise us! Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Goldfinches love flower seeds.
You captured them very well.
Great pictures!!

Pat said...

It's amazing how well the goldfinches blend in with the black-eyed susans! The birds are so cute, and I love the bright cheery yellow of the black-eyed susans. Cheery post!

Leora said...

I love rudbeckia. I have them all over my front "lawn." Need to check out the finch...

Inday said...

So many flowers worth appreciating for. Thanks for this pride of showcasing yours.

(It's in my Flower Memes)

Chie Wilks said...

cool shots...i saw lots of these around the neighborhood but no idea about their names

mine is here

SandyCarlson said...

The suzies are beautiful this year!

Regina said...

Lovely ones!
Happy new week.

NicoleB, Kuwait said...

Had I not read the title first, I would have probably said 'Beautiful flowers'.
I didn't see that fellow :D

Luke said...

A goldfinch is a rare site for me.

Unknown said...

beautiful series of flowers.

MaR said...

Amazing camouflage and beautiful shots, Carver!!
B is for blooms

Squirrel said...

What a great hiding place!