The photohunters word this week is public. Below are some photographs I took of the downtown public library in Greensboro, NC last summer when I was killing time because a flight with someone I was picking up at the Greensboro airport was delayed.
I love the main area where the librarians have their desks and where the public enters before going to the books.
Of course the most important thing in a public library are the books.
Photohunters post their links at the home of the hunt beginning on Saturday mornings.
We were thinking the same for the theme this week :) Looks like a lovely library :) Happy weekend and happy photo hunting!
what a beautiful library. it looks clean and tidy.
I love libraries, love this one and love your choice for the theme!
The public library is so nice.. Unfortunately, my country library not so nice...
happy weekend.
That's a beautiful library. It looked so well organized! :)
p/s: Please sit well before you come to visit me. LOL!
A library is one of my favorite public buildings and this does look like a nice one. Great pics for the theme. Hope you have a great weekend.
Looks like bright and airy, very conducive for learning.
Great choice for the theme.
I like the sculpture!
Now that's a fine library. Better than our local libraries. Still they are the finest public buildings we have
what a beautiful and serene place to go. Love your take on this weeks theme.
My children would love to go there and so do I :D
Now that e-books are here to stay, I hope public libraries will still be there.
happy weekend Carver!
I thought about the library but I had done NY public library for some other PH. But this is a great post Carver.
Happy weekend to you.
I so love Libraries I am up
one of my favorite places to spend an afternoon--libraries. love your photos for the theme.
I love public libraries!
That is a very beautiful library. I really like how it was designed. Very inviting and functional.
Beautiful library and huge!
Beautiful! I wish libraries here would be like that -- so bright and inviting. Unlike here, it's dark and dingy and you're always alert for whatever might jump out of dark corners! *lol*
Happy weekend.
Sreisaat Adventures
Bonjour dear Carver, how are you?
I'm with you, I also love libraries, this one has a traditional building facade, but inside everything is so modern! It's cool indeed!
Thanks a lot for the tour!
I'm trying to catch up with bloging after some days off but I also have lots of laundry to do here ! LOL
Thanks for your friendship, I wish you a fabulous Sunday
I love Libraries.
I am fonder of the old style ones though, but this one's nice with the big entry 'hall' and I love the red bricks :)
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