
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Nature Notes: a mix of this and that

For this week's nature notes, I'm going to start with today (Wednesday March 3) and move back through the past seven days.
The shots above and below were taken this morning. We had snow overnight which covered the ground but by the time I got out it was already melting.
Yesterday was rainy and chilly until the rain switched to a mix and then all snow last night. The shot below was taken Tuesday, March 2 in my back yard.
Monday, March first the birds were clearly moving into spring mode. There were lots of couples and plenty of home buyers. The bird below was checking out how the other half lived but no way was that mansion going to a small nuthatch.
In the shot below he or she went to a house more suitable for nuthatches.
In the next shot (still March 1), the rufous-sided towhee is in a tree above the bushes where its mate is nesting.
The next shot is February 28 taken during a Sunday walk with Bill. It was a rare beautiful day so in spite of being windy and chilly lots of runners, cyclists, and walkers were outside enjoying it.
I saw plenty of signs of springs looking up at the trees beginning to get ready to flower and leaf out.
February 27 on Saturday, I walked around my back garden looking for signs of spring.
I snapped some shots of the winter colors on my ivy on Friday because I know soon the variegated ivy will go back to green and white with only a tinge of burgandy.
On Thursday, February 27, I woke up to a light snow which I thought was likely to be the last snow I saw this year but I was wrong.
Please visit the home of Nature Notes to find other participants.


Small Reflections said...

Beautiful nature views (as always) ... those purple shoots in the snow are really something! Loved the birds and the big blue skies too. Marvelous series.
Hugs and blessings,

eileeninmd said...

Great post, love the birds and their houses. Wonderful to see signs of spring.

Voyager said...

I hope those crocuses survive the snowfall. I'm rooting for them!

Squirrel said...

Wonderful mix of nature photos!!

Rambling Woods said...

You really do have spring in your area. I love the photo of the little nutty peeking into the bird house. I hadn't thought of putting one up on the house or I think it's the house as that would solve the predator problem...The birds really think it's spring, so I am going with them....Michelle

Dee said...

Lots of weather changes in just a week - it's like your weather can't decide if it's still winter or moving into spring. Or it's reluctantly moving into spring!

Loved the idea of birds deciding which house they want to buy! Of course! Makes perfect sense.

Cezar and Léia said...

What a cool post dear Carver, it's so nice to see the week details with you!
Here we have beautiful sun but it's still cold.I don't care about cold, I'm enjoying so much the sun!Of course little Luna is happy as well!
Your pictures are fabulous,as usual!Congrats!

DeniseinVA said...

A great post Carver, wonderful photos all of them and I was particularly struck with your bird house under the eaves. What a clever design.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the birds in NC are thinking it's spring! Wonderful. I hope they get the message here in Ontario soon!

Ayie said...

snow has melted, now clear blue skies

Japa said...

Gorgeous signs of spring to come worth the wait.

Susan said...

wonderful photos. My favorite is the one looking up the grassy hill and the blue sky!
Here near Vancouver, we have all the blossoms up and my tiger lilies are up at least a foot.
Apparently spring started in February this year!