
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's Flowers: Preview to spring

Yesterday, I went outside to see what signs of spring flowers I could find. The narcissus below is emerging from the ground.
The hydrangea bud may be a bit premature as they tend to get zapped by frost in the early spring and need to start all over. Our last average frost isn't until sometime in April.
I've posted my lenten rose before, as it started blooming too early even for being one of the earliest flowers. Definitely droopy but still hanging tough.
For more flowers around the world, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.


eileeninmd said...

That is great news, Wonderful to see signs of spring! said...

oh..iam waiting for the same..the spring time, sweet
havea nice day

Cher' Shots said...

I just peeked out the window in hopes of signs of spring ~ nope - still snowing :( Thanks for sharing your signs of spring!

KaHolly said...

And all that spells H-O-P-E!

Randi said...

I can´t believe it ...where is the snow??? Lucky you! I wish I could find a spring sign here...Thanks for sharing your spring signs - gives me some hope!

Carletta said...

Spring - 21 days and counting!
I love the shot of the hydrangea bud.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful signs of spring, Carver! Your photos bring me hope that spring will eventually arrive in Ontario. :)

Ebie said...

Oh, your garden sure is healthy! Good sign of spring. I love the smell of the narcissus!

Unknown said...

Lovely signs of spring.

Ramosforest.Environment said...

Good news for you. Beautiful blossom.
Here, Autumn is coming.
Luiz Ramos

DeniseinVA said...

Now that is a sight to behold, can't wait to see signs of spring in my garden. Lovely photos that warm me up, as I see the snow outside melting ever so slowwwwly! Have a great week Carver.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you're looking forward to Spring, you'll be able to go on walks and soak in the beautiful sight of more blooms everywhere :)

Japa said...

Definitely the sign of spring here.

Cezar and Léia said...

ohmigod, what a fabulous news!Spring is coming!I hope see those cute narcissus soon with all splendor!
Léia :)

Anya said...

It looks in my garden the same !!
Almost SPRING yeahhhh......

Voyager said...

I've never heard of the hellebore flower called Lenten Rose. I like that name much better. Great pictures of the earth coming to life again.

Flowers said...

I love your flower and plant photos. These are so beautiful and elegant. Keep on posting.