
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nature Notes - Plenty of Gray Days

I'm not feeling very inspired so I'll leave you with a typical gray day. We had a very wet 2009, and 2010 has also began and continued to be wet. I doubt I'll ever forget the drought of 2007/2008 in NC where I live but I'll admit that it's starting to feel like a distant memory.


For more nature notes, please visit the host at Rambling Woods.


Anonymous said...

Spring is coming, really it is, Carver!

Cezar and Léia said...

For me it's really special, thanks a lot for so beautiful post!
I'm tired about winter as well.Today we had some sun, but it's cold,cold, and cold...Anyway little Luna enjoyed a lot the sunlight. I'm anxious to see your garden in early Spring! :)

happily retired gal said...

Your skies look a lot like ours ... though there's no snow where I live at the beach ya know. Love the little birdie in your header ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Sacred Ruminations

Avory said...

For contrast to your gray day, here's my white one:

Pamela said...

are those Jays in the tree? Gray jays - - (:

Carver said...

Thanks to everyone for answering. To answer the question: Ha, gray-jays made me laugh. The lower one is definitely a male cardinal. I'm not positive about the top one. It's hard to tell because usually the male cardinals are so red in photos but you only get a hint of the color in the shot.

mommanator said...

Winter has even hit Fla, but not as bad as up north

SandyCarlson said...

These two characters are lucky to have each other on a dull day.

Rambling Woods said...

I know inspiration is getting more challenging as the winter goes on..but I have some fur and feathers to figure out from the yard and Oh, I need to get my Nature Notes post up.... Sunny days will come around some day.. I hope...Michelle

eileeninmd said...

This winter has been a bad one for us and I am anxious for spring to get here. Right now we have over forty inches of snow, and we are running out room on where to move it.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I don't know about you but this Ozarks farm chick is sick of gray days. I soooo need me some sun. Sun with warm temps and snow free. Ahhh, now that's a dream!!!

Ya'll have a terrifically blessed day!!!

Squirrel said...

Sorry your having a gray day. Nice photo!

Cloudia said...

Lovely post!

Aloha, Friend

Comfort Spiral

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carver: We do have to fight the blaws with the colorless skies. Love the Dark Eyed Junco in the header.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

gray but spots of bright red inspiration.

Caron said...

I am also sick of the gray days, yet the sort of photo you posted is a favorite of mine - I like the dark nests in the bare trees, but big birds are awesome, too. Your photo feels right to me.