The photohunters theme this week is average. The average annual snowfall for Raleigh, NC is 6.8 inches according to June 2009 National Climate Data Center.
However, an average doesn't tell the story very well. In the winter of 2000 the month of January broke records with 25.8 inches of snow for that month in Raleigh.
When you consider that January, 2000 is included in the 100 years or so of data then it makes sense that some years we have almost no snow.
Last year was the first year in several years that we had a decent snow and we had a good ground cover in January and March as well as a small snow in February. 2009 was above the average annual snow fall. Last Friday and Saturday we had close to 5 inches of snow and sleet in some parts of town, including mine, so we are almost up to the annual average for my city.
The photographs in this post were taken on January 31, 2010. For other participants, visit the home of the hunt where posts begin Saturday mornings.
People are sure talking snow! Be safe!
Wonderful photographs. I'm quite jealous here in Houston, Texas where "winter" comes in teeny tiny spurts and only for a couple of months! I have to go north for my winter. My husband and I are headed to NYC for my yearly week of winter this month. I'm hopeful of snow!
You have a lovely blog. I enjoyed visiting.
Oh, how I love snow and wish we've some snow here! happy weekend and enjoy your snowy days.
It looks wonderfully white, Carver. I am back from hot summer days in the Southern hemisphere, so this is very refreshing!!
Happy PH and happy weekend :)
You have as much snow as we have. The problem we have here is the combination of strong wind and snow. Our landscape is very flat and close to the sea. I long for spring - more than ever before!!!
I wish you a great weekend!
Whereas today and tomorrow we're supposed to get 20-28". (Again.) I thought I left Iowa for a reason?
Oh what a fabulous take on the theme, lovely post as well with interesting factoids and great photos.
I am very excited to see what players come up with this wide reaching theme.
Carver, this is a hard theme, you tackled it really well. I love your photos and I ma glad I am (was) away from all this snow.
At least it's snow. In Charlotte NC area, we got lots and lots of ice. There was snow, but it turned to ice quickly. When I sent the kids to play in the yard..they weren't able to pick it up to make snow balls. So they just stomped through the yard, pretending to be giants that broke the ground. Pictures are lovely! Keep them coming.
Great take on the theme. I'm surprised the average is that high but it makes sense the way you explained it. Love your photos. I enjoyed last weekend's snowfall but this mess today, not so much.
Happy weekend!
I love the picture of the bird!
good one! i just added up lots of fresh emo backgrounds on my blog
Another tough theme but you have come up with a great take and some great shots. Still I far prefer to be indoors for snow! Happy weekend
Snow is something I saw too much of while at college in Wisconsin. Am so happy that I'm now living in a place where winter is cool rather than seriously cold! ;b
Snow is pretty when it's covering the ground. But I bet those that shovel the snow don't find it too pretty.
Still snow in inches beats dust in inches :P
Happy Weekend Carver!
Wow... so much snow! Love the footsteps on the white carpet of snow.
For those who have never had snow in their country, this is a fascinating sight. :)
I like that first pic :)
take care Carver, heard there's gonna be lots of snow this weekend
At least there is not too much of snow as in other parts of the country. Nice sharing Carver. :)
Cool view! I remember that neighborhood in summer - I enjoy seeing the streets covered in snow!
Oh to be able to treat snow as an average. I have seen snow once, from a distance of around 10 miles. I have never touched it. Not in 65 years.
Good thinking, Carver! Average annual snowfall is a great idea!
I would love an average walk in your snow:)
This post and facts did fascinate me.
Why? Because I never thauht about Snow and Winter in Raleigh.
However, I've seen on the world weather forecast it's expected record amounts od snow these days in Eastern US.
Take care.
Mine is here:
Yow, how much snow have you guys received after that big storm this week? We in Upstate NY got nothing! But there's something coming this weekend.. we'll see. To us, it isn't really a "storm" unless it's over a foot at a time.
Lovely photos!
It is so interesting that our weather here in Washington State is definitely not average this year. Ours is above average - warm! Last year it was a lot of snow.
Your snow pictures are beautiful and tell a great story of where you live. Have a great weekend.
Lovely pictures and a great way to approach this difficult theme.
Beautiful post dear Carver, as all that have our brilliant touch! :)
Adorable header, I loved it as well!
I find this area such an interesting place. Sounds like a nice thing to have every so often. We have warm weather here this year. No snow really at all... Probably will have to wait another year, but that's fine with me!
It has been a bad winter in many places....
Not bad for a place suffering from "Global Warming". I really enjoyed your very above average take on this difficult theme.
Scott at World’s Best Photography Blog
You have a lovely blog. I enjoyed visiting.
Work from home India
I love these snow shots.
Just had a long walk in sunshine and it's already getting warm here again.
I wouldn't mind a bit of real winter for a short while :D
I have watched a lot of this in the news, take care Carver :)
Happy Valentine's day :)
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