
Friday, March 13, 2009

Photohunters: Four

Three seagulls were longing for one more.

She heard his call and then there were four.

To find other photohunters take on four, please visit TNchick's home of the hunt.


Theresa said...

great little story! I love how the fourth one came just so you can have your photo hunter pic.

eastcoastlife said...

How long do you have to wait to get the four together? Great shot. :)

Happy weekend, Carver!

Photo Cache said...

LOL on EastCoastLife's comment. I thought this is another challenging theme.

MaR said...

You were at the right place at the right moment, Carver. What a great story for the theme!!

Anonymous said...

Carver, I LOVE these photos! The colors are so soothing, just beautiful. And I love the story too. Great job for the "four" theme.

And I'm glad to read about your good news from your check-ups! Have a great weekend.

Mojo said...

They blended into the background so well I almost didn't see the three until the fourth showed up!

Nature does some astonishing camo doesn't she?

Great shots and great spin on the theme!

Anonymous said...

I got quite a shock when I saw this pic - in the last hour I posted a Deja Vu that is prompted by just such palings.
I will include a link back to you if you don't mind.

Randi said...

Such a great story you have here.
Great shots for the theme.
Happy weekend

ancient one said...

Loved the photos and your story... great for this week's theme!!

Daryl said...

Oh that's perfect!

juliana said...

great photos with a story. love this!

Liz Hinds said...

Great shots! And what white sand.

SASSY MOM said...

As if the fourth one just came for the pictorial. Happy weekend!

Leslie said...

Very clever for this week! :)

Leslie said...

Oh you just reminded me - I had the most fantastic afternoon tea at a glorious cafe next to the Louvre, on my Paris stay - I have NO idea of its name either! :)

Sarge Charlie said...

good job Ms Carver

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

2 is a bore, 3 is a threesome, 4 is a party!! :P

Corey~living and loving said...

GREAT post! So creative! I really smiled. thanks!
happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

You must be very patient indeed. Although sitting static on the beach is a very attractive option.

Anonymous said...

Carver, this is a wonderful post :) I love to go to the beach now that it is summer already where we are :)

Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

this cracked me up so much, so creative!

Anonymous said...

hheh that makes me smile cute entries. happy weekend. TC mine is here

Bengbeng said...

a charming entry from you this week

YTSL said...

Very cute Photo Hunt entry idea and lovely photos! :)

Angela said...

Perfect four! Especially the little bit of prose that goes along with it.

Anonymous said...

... and then there were four.

May the 4s be with you...

bonggamom said...

I love the way you caught her spread wings in your photo.

stan said...

what a tryst! Haha. Happy wkend!

Anonymous said...

Great shot! And cute story.

EG CameraGirl said...

Now how did those gulls know you were looking for four? LOL

Colin Campbell said...

Cute. I love feeding chips to seagulls. Usually a lot more than four when that happens.

Anonymous said...

it is amazing you got the shot at just the right moment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great post and capture of the birds.

Happy Weekend.

Teena in Toronto said...

You have me longing for summer :)

I played too :)

Sandy said...

Lovely pictures...I want to be at the beach.....
Mine's up, too...

Gypsy at heart said...

What a cute story!

Anonymous said...

Terrific shots! Proof if you wish hard enough you will receive ;-)

annalarssonphotography said...

I LOVE these shots!
This is really a shot there was meant to be ;)

Like someone else just said,
May the 4s be with you!

Mine is up too!
Have a great weekend :)

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Perfect photo hunt!

Amanda said...

Great post for this week's theme. Have a happy weekend.


Cindy said...

I really liked this. Great take on the theme!
Here' myfour, hope you can stop by!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

LOL great story and photos. The seagulls are amazingly camouflaged.

I moved my Photo Hunters to my new photo blog. Please visit if you can!

Have a great weekend!

Kathy said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are well camouflaged.

I posted a FOUR also. Please take a look: Thanks.

Lan said...

nice photos of the seagulls. Here's mine

SabineM said...

Lovely idea and I love the photos..
Not participating this week but had time for a visit!

Anonymous said...

Wow...number 47 in comments here. You are popular Carver and with good reason..

Anonymous said...

I love happy endings! :-)

sammawow said...

Oh, I love the way you set up the pictures with that little story! Terrific pictures of the gulls!

Lisa C. said...

Love it

Heart of Rachel said...

That's so cool. I enjoyed the story you injected on those shots.

storyteller said...

How 'kewl' is that!!! Most impressive captures ;--)

I played at Happily Retried Gal and at Small Reflections this week but have been ill so I'm just getting around to visiting today.
Hugs and blessings,

PowersTwinB said...

Hi! I've been away a few weeks, but had to come and see what you did for this weeks theme word! I love the 4 seagulls! Great photos!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to be soooo late in commenting this week. Very cute! Makes me think of many of the preschool fingerplays we do in class.

Dragonstar said...

That second photo is perfect - I love the way you caught the gull's wings like that!

escape said...

beautiful beach. the sands looks fine and so white.