
Friday, September 26, 2008

Photohunt: View

The photohunt theme this week is view. Since I am always showing the view from North Carolina, both the part where I live as well as the mountains to the west and the beaches to the east, I thought I'd show you a different view.For my fiftieth birthday last fall, my family gathered in New York City where one of my sisters lives. The shot above is the view from my bedroom at the Washington Square Hotel. When I'm in a city, I enjoy looking out over all the buildings, especially when there is a lot of variety as I got from this view.When we stepped out into the hall, I enjoyed viewing the elevator markers. I'm not used to elevator numbers that look like the one above.
The view across the street from the hotel includes Washington Park which is lovely. I always enjoy city parks. They are so important in the middle of the buildings and concrete. Garibaldi below has a good view of the park.
If you have time, please visit the views which SabineM and I are showing in parallel shots on Snap2Days.

To find other photohunters you can browse on technorati for early birds here and on Saturday at the home of the hunt here


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Which is why I often twist my fingers at the hotel lobby counter wishing and hoping for a room with a good view whenever I travel :P
Great views you've got today!

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful views you have here! I love the one in the park:) Happy Weekend!~

Unknown said...

Oh Carver that looks like such a great time! I love the first photo with those views!

Anonymous said...

Great sequence of lovely shots.
The elevator marker i just beautiful!
I wish you a great weekend.

desert dirt diva said...

I love the hotel view. have a great weekend

Satkuru said...

i have never left my campus for close to 2 years plus and the pictures you have are really a teaser of what's out there :P probably i should start traveling lol

Fishman said...

Nice pics. I love those of the park.

Christy Woolum said...

I love the choices you made for view. My favorite is the photo with the path and trees.

Anonymous said...

Those are some terrific shots of NYC Carver :) Happy photo hunting, and weekend!

Juliana RW said...

That is beautiful view. Hope someday I can walk in there also ^_^

Please drop at my PH post also : in HERE or HERE. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Oh, I absolutely love NYC - great photos!!

Happy Weekend.

CRIZ LAI said...

You sure know how to share your views well Carver :P

Anonymous said...

Wow - your NY views are stunning this week. :)

jams o donnell said...

Great shots Carver. Hotel over Washington Square? The song Diamonds and Rust sprang to mind! Happy weekend

juliana said...

this all looks very nice and classy... love the elevator marker :)

Anonymous said...

Lots of great views. The elevator marker is really unique!Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I would really like to visit the places you show on your views! America!!!I dream to walk in these streets one day!

Photo Cache said...

Isn't it nice to have a different view sometimes even if you are so in love with your daily view?

Congratulations on being fifty and fabulous.

ancient one said...

Great Views .. enjoyed them all..

SabineM said...

Fabulous shots and great views!!!
I am so glad that you got to go there! I remember when you went!

Dr.John said...

Very good pictures. You always do a good job.

jmb said...

Good views Carver, I did a room with a view too. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

It must have been a wonderful trip! Great series of photos!

Smalltown RN said...

OH I just love your take on the theme....great photos...never having been to New York you showed a great VIEW of the city....thank you

Avory said...

Bah, I miss New York! Hehe.

SASSY MOM said...

Cool views you got here. A nice from your hotel room is what I always wish for when I travel.

Sarge Charlie said...

some beautiful shots there Miss Carver, the big 50 huh, I will be 71 in december

Anonymous said...

Pretty view entries my friend nice. Happy weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

A lovely park right in the middle of busy New York city! It should be relaxing for the busy people.
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking us from your hotel room down to the park. Nice views indeed.

YTSL said...

Your New York-hotel themed entry got me thinking about how I've visited New York several times but never stayed in a hotel there (thanks to having New Yorker friends to stay with, etc.)! ;b

Forever Foster said...

I love the elevator marker. What a lovely way to brighten up what could be an everyday thing.
We agree that city parks are important. They help keep you grounded.

stan said...

nice walk in the woods. I would love to be there!

Leslie: said...

These are all great views and I can hardly wait to go to NY one day. :D Mine's up now, too.

Everyday Healy said...

That's a nice elevator marker. It's the best I have ever seen! :P

Corey~living and loving said...

lovely lovely lovely shots. so nice.
Happy weekend.

david mcmahon said...

Those elevator markers are special, Carver!

Anonymous said...

i like the second one it is very interesting like it has a story to tell.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Interesting pics as I have never seen New York! But, I must admit, I love that Art Nouveau elevator marker! It looks like Audrey Beardsley's style! Quite unique for an elevator!

tanabata said...

Those are lovely views! I'd really like to visit NY someday.

Kathy C. said...

I am such a country loving person, but there is something about city parks that attracts me - very nice photos. :)

Anonymous said...

The verdant face of the city. I am a sucker for Art Nouveau or Deco.

Anonymous said...

Neat shots... very cool elevator door!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful views! I'm hungering for such lush greenery, as summer has scorched everything and we haven't had enough rain yet to "paint" the world green...
Happy Weekend! :)

Hootin Anni said...

Love the Autumn walkway!!!

Mine's up, it's a Cat's Eye View of fun.

Happy Hunting.

Sandy said...

This are great the Art Deco elevator.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reminding us that there is so much more to NYC than Wall Street! Great photos.

Anonymous said...

These definitely are lovely views. I remember that NY trip because you blogged about it :)

have a fun weekend, Carver :)

mimi11460 said...

You probably had a great time in that beautiful place..

Ingrid said...

At least that was an interesting view ! when we stayed in NY, the view was on a wall and the whole night we heard the firemen sirenes !

 gmirage said...

Like you I only have views of the east and thats what I have on my post! Thanks for sharing great views today, happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I've never been to NYC before. Nice view. :) This is a perfect view isn't it? Here is my view.

Dragonstar said...

That first photo is stunning, with all the buildings and the trees as well. Love that design in the elevator.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful views, Carver. I like photo #4 best. :-)

Anonymous said...

I have never been to New York City. I enjoyed seeing some of the views of this city from your eyes. The park looks so peaceful. Great choices for the theme this week!!

Anonymous said...

Like tourists huffing and puffing to reach the peak we forget the view on the way up.
-Friedrich Nietzsche

I am so glad that this is NOT true of you, My Friend.
Love, K.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting my photohunt post.

sammawow said...

Great shots all but I particularly enjoyed the elevator numbers! Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing all those lovely photos...have a geart week ahead

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely view from the room. I like the creative elevator markers.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

applause for art deco! :)

Theresa said...

Love seeing the VIEWS of NC especially the park, I love the trees amongst the city buildings.

Hope you are having a good weekend

Anonymous said...

Oh I love these views! I love to visit NYC.

Thanks for visiting mine. I had a nice unplugged weekend at Topsail. Have a good week!

ipanema said...

i guess this is one favourite theme for me.

lovely views!

hey, belated happy birthday!!!:)