The photohunt theme today is wild. Out of control wildfires in forests close to developments can cause loss of life and property, as we all know. But fire is also a positive force in nature. The nature conservancy has a good article about Maintaining Fire's Natural role. Part of the coastal plains and sandhill habitat gardens at the NC Botanical garden are burned annually. If you are interested there is a discussion of the importance of fire in the ecosystem this habitat garden represents. The shot above show a section of that habitat garden which is wild. The Art Park at the NC Museum of art also has wild sections representing the habitat of the various ecosystems in my state. The shot above is in the Prairie habitat section and there is a discussion in the Art Park link above of what was lost once fires started being suppressed. The NCSU Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources is working with the museum to restore the field, shown above, to be as much like the Piedmont Prairie once was as possible.The shot above is also at the museum's art park and leads you from the prairie section to the Forest bottomland. It's interesting to be walking in a fairly wild area and then you encounter some of the art. For that matter some of the art is a little wild. TheCloud Chamber for Trees and Sky has a small hole in the roof which projects the sky onto the floor of the chamber. The wild part is the roof as you can see below. I also have a parallel wild shot at Snap2Days .
I hope everyone has a great weekend. The home of the hunt is here - PhotoHunt and Saturday is the official day of the hunt. You can also browse early birds at technorati here - photohunt.
Looks like a very nice place for a troll,Carver! Love the green!
Each year at parts of Indonesia forest where there's forest fires, the smoke and fumes are practically blown to Singapore. Causing high PSI index of the air and more asthma attacks. *Sighz*
Really interesting post Carver. Burning certainly causes renewal of the landscape but in our part of the world bush fires are devastating as the forestry industry is one of our largest. Have a good weekend.
I can't believe that I live here in the Triangle and have never been to the Botanical gardens. Your post has inspired me to go. There is one of those cloud chambers at the art museum in Raleigh - very cool!
Wow, that looks like an interesting park. I like the idea of representing various ecosystems. And interesting point about the wildfires. I understand there are certain trees in the West that will not reproduce unless there is a fire. The seed-bearing cones will not pop open to release the seeds unless subjected to extreme temperatures of a fire.
Good choice for the theme.
Baker (Thanks for dropping by and the kind comments)
Thanks for visiting and leaving the info about the Botanical Gardens. I looked at all your posts with photos from all the various local gardens - just wonderful and now I'm inspired to visit more of them. I have been to Duke Gardens and Coker Arberetum (sp?). I went to the Museum of Art in Raleigh on Friday night - took my nephews to a puppet show that was wonderful! Love that museum.
Looks like a very nice place for a troll,Carver! Love the green!
I posted mine too, HERE! Happy PH!~
Each year at parts of Indonesia forest where there's forest fires, the smoke and fumes are practically blown to Singapore. Causing high PSI index of the air and more asthma attacks. *Sighz*
Have a good weekend too Carver!!
Those are pretty wild places. I like the greenery though, easy on the eyes. :)
Cool idea on the wild theme Carver. I always like the idea of conserving the natural habitat for the future generation. :)
How beautiful, definitely the beauty of the wild... Makes me want to go out for a hike right now!
I love those greeny colors very soothing to the eyes!~
These are beautiful :) I am enjoying this theme :) Happy photo hunting!
Love your photos - a wonderful wild place!!!
Have a good weekend!
Beautiful photos of the wild. I'd love to walk there.
Thanks for the interesting details on importance of fire.
Drop by to see a Wild Crowd
Great post for Wild this week!!
Happy Weekend.
Ahh, this is the kind of wild I like. Beautiful shots Carver!
Really interesting post Carver. Burning certainly causes renewal of the landscape but in our part of the world bush fires are devastating as the forestry industry is one of our largest.
Have a good weekend.
Great photos this week - but then, I always come in here to see what you have for us. I love looking through your blog. :)
Wow it looks like a wonderful place Carver. Happy weekend
Looks like a fabulous place to go for a wild walk! :D
Looks like a lovely wild place to go for a walk.
its nice one to see green preserve forest in there.
happy hinting!
sorry I place a wrong link there. can you please just delete it. thank you!
Interesting pictures around a wild theme.
I know that a small forest fire in the UP makes for better blueberries.
that sort of reminds me of a trek I did in New Zealand where the scenery was just breathtaking.
very wild, but beautiful pictures :-)
Looks like you went for green as well as wild today, Carver! :b
Speaking of fires: One of my most memorable experiences at college (Beloit in Wisconsin) involved taking part in a controlled prairie burn!! :b
very lush and green and very wild...lovely..
very nice Carver, I started in NC with my hunt and went TN
Such nice green my favorite kind of wild
I love stuff growing on roofs! Saw a lot of that in Norway during my honeymoon. Happy hunting!
I love all that green. How great that people are becoming more and more responsible stewards of the environment.
Forrest fires can become Wild in a hurry sometmes. This was something I neve thought of for Wild. Good Post!
What a lovely place for a stroll and for taking photos too :
Have a great weekend, Carver :)
Love your green entries.
That's a good selection of Wild shots, and I love the idea of that Cloud Chamber!
What a great take on the word "wild" -- such beautiful natural areas.
There is nothing like taking a stroll through nature ... and getting lost (that would be me). *grin*
Write From Karen
That looks a wonderful place to explore. My sort of place :)
that place looks like a need of trimming...=P
I can't believe that I live here in the Triangle and have never been to the Botanical gardens. Your post has inspired me to go. There is one of those cloud chambers at the art museum in Raleigh - very cool!
Have a great weekend!
Duh, I just realized it's the same cloud chamber! Need more coffee.:)
Love all the radiant greens in these pics! Just beautiful!
Great shots and thanks for sharing the links on Fire's Natural Role.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Quite and achievement -you managed to
cover Wild Fire without showing fire.
It is good to know there is restoration.
We do forget that fire is a natural and needed element, I guess because it can get out of hand so easily. Those are some great wild shots!
Fantastic pictures and a good lesson.
Very lovely & beautiful :)
very pleasant to the eye...great place for a leisurely walk
That's a pretty wild roof.
Nice interpretation for wild ! I don't know what happens here this year but our garden becomes a jungle, it's raining too much !
AGAIN, fabulous photos! Hope you are not getting too much rain these days! If so send a little bit this way!
So green, I miss the GREEN!
Nice take on our "wild" theme! Great photos. Interesting discussion about wild fires.
green just has a soothing effect on me. thanks! :D
Interesting roof shot. Beatutiful photos and a great take on the theme this week.
What an interesting post, Carver. Lovely photos, too. Many people don't realize that wildfires do have a purpose.
Be blessed!
Ooo I saw yen wrote troll, and I was about to say that it looked like a great place for a 'stroll.'
So green and verdant.
What wonderfully wild pictures! I especially like the last one with the wild roof!
Wow, that looks like an interesting park. I like the idea of representing various ecosystems. And interesting point about the wildfires. I understand there are certain trees in the West that will not reproduce unless there is a fire. The seed-bearing cones will not pop open to release the seeds unless subjected to extreme temperatures of a fire.
Good choice for the theme.
(Thanks for dropping by and the kind comments)
love all the photos especially the 3rd one. beautiful pictures =)
wonderfully wild nature... I wish we had more of such greenery around here! :)
Thanks so much to everyone for visiting and commenting.
Love your special take on the theme, Carver.
Kool blog
Thanks for visiting and leaving the info about the Botanical Gardens. I looked at all your posts with photos from all the various local gardens - just wonderful and now I'm inspired to visit more of them. I have been to Duke Gardens and Coker Arberetum (sp?). I went to the Museum of Art in Raleigh on Friday night - took my nephews to a puppet show that was wonderful! Love that museum.
Anyway, thanks and have a great week!
Thank you so much for the article on fire..I hadn't thought about it not living in a place prone to wildfires..
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