
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Opening Doors Day 4

The first two days of this challenge I showed you doors in Durham, NC and yesterday I showed you doors in my hometown where I still live (Raleigh, NC) and now I'll show you a garden in the third town, Chapel Hill, NC, which makes up the triangle. Each town has a major university and the research triangle park is in the middle so there is a lot of back and forth in this area. The door above is to the Paul Green cabin at the North Carolina Botanical Garden.
The gates above were temporary doors into the garden, when I visited it last September. They have temporary Art in Garden exhibits in the fall and the gates and other features as well as sculpture were part of the temporary exhibits. I went there last year after my oncology appointment at The University of North Carolina since the garden is across the street from the road leading to the cancer center. Below is another gate which was there last fall and was the door leading into the mountain habitat garden where the Paul Green cabin has been since being moved there.
If I have time, I'm going to go for another quick walk through the garden after my oncology appointment today (Thursday). I have not had a melanoma recurrence since my lymph nodes were removed from the affected basin, after one was positive in March of 2005. I do have a lot of doctor's appointments both as a follow up for the cancer as well as for subsequent issues I've had since after the dissection. I try to combine photo shoots with appointments to take the bad taste out of my mouth.
I will definitely be looking for doors today in Chapel Hill if I have the time. To find other doors from around the world, please go see the host of this challenge at Heaven in Belgium.


Dr.John said...

Great pictures of doors. Hope you have good results and get to take great pictures today.

atto aryo said...

Doors. Nice concept.

Anonymous said...

Oh I really like these Carver. Botanical Gardens are finally on my radar screen. Blogging really opens up more of the world. I'm glad you choose to do something fun on the way and back from your appointments. Blessings...

Carletta said...

Well! I have a cabin door ready for tomorrow. :)
I love those gates around the garden. It sure looks like a nice place to visit.
May you be blessed with wonderful test results.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

oh i remember when you posted art in the garden... so cool; the gate is very inviting. i will take a stroll with you here

Evelyn said...

I love old log cabins and this one is very nice. I'll think good thoughts for your tests.

Carver said...

Thanks so much to everyone for visiting and my appointment went great. I'm still N.E.D. (no evidence of disease) which is the biggie. I get an annual PET/CT scan in the spring but I'm very optimistic that the cancer is in my rear view mirror.

Smalltown RN said...

what a wonderful collection...and great idea for posts and for sharing some of your wonderful photography.......

juliana said...

you have found some great doors. love the bird silhouettes on the railings.
fingers crossed for excellent results and more great pics!

Barbara said...

I have enjoyed looking at all your doors. I hope your appointment goes well and the test results are good. I have just read down the comments and see your results were ok - I am very pleased for you.

Dee said...

I love your trip down memory land, Carver. Another great set of pictures!

Good luck with your appointment!

Dee said...

Oh, congrats on being NED!

I want to have a NED party myself when I get NED. I plan to ask my friends to come up with alternative acronyms like:

no evil death
new excellent day

You get the picture? Something silly might be:

nimble ever dog

Jientje said...

That's the way to do it. It takes the bad taste out of your mouth.
Later on you'll find that the bitterness disappears and fades into sweet ...

King (Kathie) said...


Yeah, yeah, yeah! I love the pics but love NED even more. I'm glad I checked in on your sight or is that site tonight.

Good Bye Mel!!!

Stay Strong

Willow said...

Fantastic gates! I like the temporary gates that look like willow branch fences. My friends just moved to Charlotte. I'll tell them about the botanical gardens.

Ingrid said...

Looks like a beautiful place ! I also love Botanical Gardens. Once a year in spring the Botanical Gardens of our King Albert II are opened for the public it is beautiful inside !

escape said...

the second photo is really enticing.

Carver said...

Thanks again to everyone for visiting and for the well wishes. It means so much to me.

Melli said...

I LOOOOOOOVE this! I love the cabin - with the folk art hanging on the wall! And this is the same kind of garden my Annmarie Gardens is - where the artwork is (mostly) temporary and changes with the seasons or by the year or whatever - so that every time you go back it's a whole new experience! LOVE it!!! Thanks for sharing! I might have to look this up if I ever swing through that way again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for regaining your health, Carver, and I wish you much luck with remaining such.

Great doors again today. I'm glad you have something like photo hunting to turn what could be a crappy day into a good one. Keep up the good work.