The photohunt theme this week is I Spy. For those of you who don't remember Looney Tunes and think I'm the looney one, you may be right. However, my I Spy speak is rooted in a pair of Looney Tunes characters that I grew up on. The photographs were both taken last summer.
I tink I spy dat tairy tat. Ba ba ba but dat purdy tat ilester dis bwack and wite. mebe fwiyin na na now wis afe. Dat wooks wike a worang ball but dit wis purrin. Wut dadadadoooo I doooooo.
Puuuuuurrrrrrr. With my new fur-do I'll get tweety bird for certain. Inside I'm Sylvester but outside I look like an orange ball. I miss my black and white coat of lovely fur but it will be worth it when I catch Tweety. Come little tweety bird. Come play with the basket ball. All is safe. Sylvester is gone. PuuuuurrrrrrrrHome of the hunt. Players post here on Saturday -
PhotoHuntEarly birds can be located on technorati, here -
ah, that Sylvester in fake fur is puuurrrrrrfect for the (photo)hunt!!!
Great idea Carver! :)
Have a good weekend!
Haha great take on this week's theme. Did Tweety thee the puddytat?
You know, I could HEAR Tweety in my head on that post! Although sometimes I couldn't quite get what he was saying!
What a cool idea. I love your Tweety-talk! Heheh
Purdy Birdy! What kind is it?
good take on the theme, yep, tweety is saying I see the pussycat
Thanks to everyone for visiting and to answer about the type of bird, it's an American Goldfinch.
Too cute! Tweety is still too smart for the purdy cat...
Haha! Cute post u have here. Reminds me of those days when I was sitting in front of the TV watching the cartoon. :D
And yes, my guess was right, it was a goldfinch. I have a photo of that, although its a wooden finch, from a fair we went to :)
Have a great weekend, carver.
lol Great take on the theme :-)
Oh you have done well here Carver with this theme. I was a bit freewheeling myself. Have a good weekend.
Love your take on this weeks theme. I saw that purty bird right away!!
tee hee...what a fun take on the theme Carver. I loved it. :)
happy weekend.
Wohoo!! Finally an I Spy that I can spot!! I saw a couple that were straining my eyes :P
How cute is THAT?
Thanks for putting a huge smile on my face!
I love your take on the theme today!! Not only what you spied, but they're spying of each other.
Oh noes!! I'm glad Tweety got away safe and sound. That cat is a hoot!! My PH: I Spy is here. Thank you.
That's great work - I grew up with Looney Toons and took my son to their Australian show some years ago.
That's an excellent post!
Ooo... I love the Tweety bird and Sylvester cartoon! I hope puddytat didn't get tweety!
How good of them to pose for you. My I Spy will be up at midnight my time.
Cuuuuuute - and so creative! Did I say cuuuuute already???
Happy weekend!
awwww .... this is sooo sweet! :)
what a wonderful idea! love it! :)
happy photo hunting!
I tot-I-tot a putty tat! Haha.. interesting shots. Happy weekend!
hehehe... well, they do ThInK they're hiding, don't they!
These are great for this theme. Have a wonderful weekend...
I tawt I taw a puddy tat.. I tit I tit!! hehe :P
Cute idea! I grew up on Looney Tunes. :)
I tot I taw a putty tat....I did I did...hehe..i love watching looney tunes when growing up...:)
Pearl - have a good weekend
Lol, graet spying! Spying on the cat as the cat spy on the bird! I am enjoying this week's photohunt a lot! Everyone is posting wonderful photos!
Happy weekend!
This is funny! Good job! I remember watching those toons when I was a kid and now my grandson is watching them.
Very cute!! Your always so imaginative! sending you hugs this weekend
It was really nice take. Have a nice weekend.
I LOVED THIS! It made me laugh out loud! By far, my favorite so far! Have a great weekend! You're so creative!
Nice shots! I'm envying all that green.
qiqiqiqi... so funny... hahaha.. you are creative Carver!! two thumbs up!
Haha ... What gorgeous photos.
Great idea!
Happy weekend!
wow! wonderful pictures.
I saw a cat... gonna go quickly!
Hahahaha, great take on the I Spy theme. "I tot I taw a puddy tat..." Aaaaah, memories! ;b
i love that hidden cat pic! =) so cute!
Beautiful! These themes give us plenty of freedom to be different.
Another amazing photos!
Wow, those are the cutest animals, lol.
Have a great weekend!
Wonderful photos - I thought I saw a puddy cat - I did! I did!
Great photos, both of them!
Happy Weekend
Very clever.
Beautiful shot of the birdy and Tweety! I hope they will get together and be friends somehow..hehehe
great analogy to Looney Tunes and cool photos!
Like your entry for this weeks theme.
Have a nice weekend.
Sneaky Sylvester!
spy mine here
Sylvester might be interested in some of them and they might not be wise to his little twicks...thus easier to catch.
Excellent photos always. I being a cat lover that I am, LOVE the kitty photo.
Mine is shared....I have two hidden things in two photos...drop by and see if you can find 'em, if you haven't tried yet!! happy weekend....
Thanks for visiting my I Spy. I think this has been one of my favorite photo hunt themes. Everyone has come up with so many different ideas.
Pretty bird says the kitty
Very nice! I like them quite a lot!
Carver, you do a GREAT Sylvester! You posted a couple of fantastic photos! Yes do post a couple of your daughters pix from Ireland. I'd love to see them. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I LOVE Looney Tunes and love your take on this weeks theme!
Thta's great! Sneaky pussy-cat! Good job's he's purring.
ha ha nice take! i love the green in your pics!w
Those were perfect pictures for this week. Loved them and the theme.
Mine is up @:
Love the photos for this week... mine are up, too... come visit!
Have a great weekend!
Your shots clearly describe Nature at its best! Fantastic! :)
That sylvester & tweety bird was a great idea for I Spy!
Captured By Gravity
great i spy photos, i like the tweety bird a lot ;)
I bet the kitty was licking his lips!
I played too :)
Wonderful :) A really great take on this week's theme. We had a cat, a very pale one, who thought he could hide in the shade of a bush but in reality he almost glowed!
Oh, what a great post for this week!!
Happy Weekend.
what a cool capture of nature! have a reat weekend to you my friend!...
That was cute, Carver. Glad to know the tweety bird got away! Thanks for stopping by the creek to see my walking stick. Blessings on your weekend.
I love the adventures of Sylvester and Tweety. I like how you connected them with your photos. Wonderful imagination.
Ach, it was a treat - who doesn't love Looney Tunes?
Have a great week!
Thanks to everyone for visiting my photohunt post this week.
This was a great take for this week's theme, Carver! I love that puddytat hiding!
I always love the contrast of yellow and green.I wish I could enjoy spring like you are!
Nice one by relating to the looney tunes!
Terrific photos of the bird and the kitty hidden in the foliage!
Thanks to everyone for visiting my photohunt post.
Great take on the theme. LOL - at the Tweety talk.
awwww kitty & birdie!!!
Thanks again to everyone for visiting my photohunter post.
What a great post. I'm a bit late in visiting this week. I really enjoyed looking over your blog. Love the photos from the museum!
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