Going Low Tech Briefly
I won't be participating in photohunters this week due to my low tech start to the weekend. I'm sure I'll be back to the photohunt next weekend. I'm turning my computer off tonight as usual but the difference is that I won't be turning it back on until Sunday morning. Small step but as I've mentioned in prior posts I wanted to add some symbolic gestures to my participation in earth hour on Saturday. At 8 pm (everyone uses their time zone), many people (billions according to latest press releases) will turn their lights off for one hour to call attention to global warming. For those of you in the U.S., if you go the this link you will see a list of major skyscrapers and other iconic landmarks which are turning off their lights during earth hour. If you google with earth hour, you can find press releases from many different parts of the world. Earth Hour began in Australia in 2007 and this year has spread to become a big even in many different countries.
I haven't taken a laptop on my last few vacations so it's not like I don't have longer periods of time than this 24 hour period where I'm off line. However, I'll admit that I'm very aware of the fact that I won't have my computer on all day Saturday. It also occurred to me that my plan to do taxes this weekend will mean that I'll have to work on them Sunday, since I use my computer for that. That's actually a positive of having my computer off tomorrow, I have a good excuse to put off doing taxes one more day. Happy weekend!
oh goodness I just tried to leave you a message....I think what you are doing is a great idea...I will try and do the same...every bit helps...
Good luck to you tomorrow, Carver. I'll be thinking about you! :)
Thanks Smalltown RN and I agree that every little bit helps.
Thanks "the Teach", hopefully I won't go through too bad withdrawals. I may do something unusual for me like clean my house. Then again, maybe not, there's always the pile of books to read which are a lot more appealing than tackling dust.
I agree that we have to do more than just turn off the lights for an hour. Have a nice break.
We just had a power failure that lasted an hour. So we have a head start!
A great gesture Carver, and you know I think it may even be liberating too! We *can* do other things :)
This is such a good point you are making...but
It's dark in here. And lonely without you.
: )
Love, Some Smart Ass is Florida
Everything has a point, and if it doesn't, then there's a point to it.
-Harry Nilsson
earth hour is more of awareness and its up to us to look for ways to further conserve energy.
Thanks Colin and I hope you are having a nice weekend.
Hi Willthink4wine, That is very timely, fate perhaps.
Hi A., It did end up being very liberating for me. Sort of like being on vacation since I rarely take a computer or watch TV when I'm out of town. I also managed to do some long overdue cleaning.
Hi K. or should I say smart ass, You made me laugh which is a good thing as Ms. Stewart would say.
Hi "the dong", I agree completely.
Oh, so bad that no photohunt entry for you this week. I still post for photohunt, but I did it on Friday and scheduled it to be published on Saturday. I also did not go online for the weekend to support Earth Hour. What to do? We only have one earth.
great endeavour Carver. thanks for the visit! :)
Thanks for visiting and commenting Jam and Ipanema. I appreciate it.
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