
Friday, November 08, 2013

Photohunters: Cutlery Sale

I found this shot in my archives from a trip to the WV mountains when we visited Tamarack. The wooden cutlery for sale seem to be a way to combine the themes. I think of cutlery as being knives but when I checked the definition I saw that under one of the meanings cutlery can be used for any utensils used to prepare, serve, or eat food. Using that definition the treenware below qualifies for cutlery that is for sale.


Susan Demeter said...

Perfect for both themes! I like wooden cutlery as kitchen decorations :)

My photo hunt entry for this week

Happy weekend and happy photo hunting Carver :)

MaR said...

They are wonderful!! love the wooden cutlery.


DeniseinVA said...

That's a great photo Carver!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Neat combo -- I love the wooden cutlery (and thanks for the real definition) and the quilt is fabulous as is no surprise coming from where it does! B eautiful!

Anonymous said...

How nice that you have a photo to address both themes perfectly.

eastcoastlife said...

Love the pretty wooden cutlery. Happy weekend!

YTSL said...

For some reason, I thought cutlery was just silver- or metalware that one uses to eat with! So... does this mean that chopsticks are cutlery too?

Ingrid said...

Wooden cutlery, that's really special !

Anonymous said...

What a great selection of wooden kitchen tools - I have a few but am always looking for more.Now I know where I need to go.

Happy Saturday!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Those wooden spoons will last for ever!
Great Sale :-)