
Friday, August 16, 2013

Photohunters: Swanky and a nature macro

I may be reaching but following is what I came up with to combine the two photohunters themes: swanky and a nature macro. Below is a nature macro of a bee having a swanky feast on the hydrangea flower. After all swanky is in the eyes of the beholder: swanky to me or you might be boring for a bumble bee and visa versa.
Click for the swanky photohunters and click for the nature macro photohunters.


Anonymous said...

oh you haven't reached at all...just absolutely gorgeous

Photo Cache said...

so tough to combine the two themes today. am still thinking what to post.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

If you stretched, it was for a beautiful result! Fabulous photo.

Furries said...

Your photo fits both themes perfectly. Hydrangeas are swanky flowers. I've tried to take photos of bees but they never sit still long enough. So this one must have been enjoying the meal to sit still for so long.

YTSL said...

Good try! I just settled for combining the themes in a single post, not a single photo!! ;b

eastcoastlife said...

Cool macro shot! I am not able to find a macro picture of nature in my collection of photos. "Swanky" is easier to find in a bustling city. :)

Mike said...

Beautiful! I also took a photo of a bee on a flower today!

Ingrid said...

That's a beautiful macro !

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Swanky indeed!

Bing said...

ha ha this is such a clever way of combining the two themes. you nailed it! and i agree it is in the beholder. it looks swanky to us and maybe it's boring for the bee. :D

aspiritofsimplicity said...

this is a great shot.

SandyCarlson said...

Great combination!