
Monday, August 12, 2013

Nature Notes: Summer ending soon

I think the American Robin looks great all fluffed out in the bath although the lighting wasn't very good and the shot is poor.
The mockingbird was fussing me out.
Then she went back to her bath.
It was nice to see a butterfly for a change.
 I haven't seen many butterflies this summer.
 This one hung out on my deck for a long photo shoot and then flew up to a plant growing in my roof gutter.
I'm starting to see trees begin to change colors which is very early for central NC where I live.
I like the way tree stumps look  when they are left in the ground.
The tree belonging to the stump below was lying across a garden path after a storm. The tree was recently removed but the stump remains.
I wonder if the Japanese Maple below will ever emerge from the umbrella of the elephant ears.
Usually by this time of the summer many flowers are going to seed but this year there are still plenty of fresh flowers.


KL said...

I love the expression on the face of the robin. What a lovely catch you got there through photography :-). I think I like all of the pictures as they are not only telling some stories but also telling the story of a photographer and her philosophy :-). Very nice.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Your birds in the bath are so sweet. I love to see them bathing and splashing about in the puddles that form in our driveway.

Karen said...

The robin is so funny! Beautiful butterfly captures Carver!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The mockingbird wanted some privacy for her bath! I love your bathing bird shots.

Leora said...

Great to see a butterfly! Stumps like that tree stump make me glad no one got hurt. Beautiful flowers at the end.

Hootin Anni said...

It's difficult for me to think of changing of colors already. But being in the far south when our "Fall" is actually most others' winters. LOVE that butterfly and its colors!!!

eileeninmd said...

I do love your splish splashing birds. The robin and mocker are both cuties.It is hard to believe summer is almost over, I am sad. Enjoy your week ahead!

Cynthia M. said...

I'm seeing some early autumn color up here as well, although that's probably less unusual for us than you folks down in NC. But we also still have plenty of flowers in bloom (thankfully!).

That butterfly is beautiful! What gorgeous colors and photographs!

Ingrid said...

The first picture of the little wet birdie is too cute !
Don't talk about autumn, I still wait for summer !

magiceye said...

Beautiful captures

Sandi McBride said...

what beautiful photos...I love the birds and other woodland creatures...we have so many butterflies I am sure some of yours must be here! Thanks for sharing!

Laura said...

love that blue butterfly Carver!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

my landland chopped of the grapefruit tree. You inspired me to go and take a photo.

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful. Love the texture in that stump and the funny robin!

We have seen far fewer butterflies than usual this year too. I wonder why?

Rambling Woods said...

Oh love the birdy faces and lovely butterfly.. maybe a red-spotted purple ?.. sorry I am late getting around. ... Michelle

SandyCarlson said...

These are stunning. The American robin is a gem of a photo!