All of these shots were taken at the North Carolina Botanical Garden at UNC in Chapel Hill NC.
Looking through my photo archives I picked shots spanning a four year period.
The shot above and below were taken a year apart. The cat must belong to someone who works there since I spotted him outside the same circular area a year apart.
In case you think a cat can be trained to stay out of the rest of the garden, on another visit I spotted the cat jumping into one of the planters for a little joy away from the circle.
It's hard not to feel joy when looking at the sculpture below. I think his crown is somewhat circular.
I find it a joy to spot the circular reflection in the water below.
For a chess playing gardener the set below would be a joy and I spot some circular tables as well as the pieces having circular bottoms.
Click for Saturday Photohunting where Joy is the theme and/or click for The Saturday Photohunt where Circular is the theme.
Hohoho~ I am the first one... hehe...
These circular places can help to make you feel relax and get the joys from it....
Happy Hunting~
I can also imagine and feel the joy from these relax places with circular pattern.
Nice one~
Mine is up too... :)
I could totally spend a whole day here. What a lovely spot. I especially enjoyed the chess set. I would love to have that in my backyard :)
Happy long weekend. I hope you have Monday off.
Carver, these are such great photos. I love all the circular and cool things you found (and the cat too)! I still haven't visited those gardens though it's on my list. I hope to get over there this spring.
Happy weekend!
You have amazing photo archives Carver! I feel joy whenever I visit your blogs -- for sure today and definitely circular here too.
Awesome find for circulars. ^_^
great combo for both themes. the sculptures of happy faces make me smile and i love the chess set.
Great job of combining the two..I only did one....
I am totally in Love with that first photo. Instant smile on my face :D
Great selection of photos, Carver. I particularly like the one at the very top of your entry and the one with the circular reflection in the water. :)
What a very nice interpretation of both themes and I really had my joy with the cat, lol !
a lovely collection. the birdbath is my favorite--such delicious sunshine.
I also like how you combined both themes in your photos. The garden is beautiful.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Liz @ MLC
A beautiful garden!
Thanks for joining The Saturday PhotoHunt.
I hope to see y'all next Saturday... to share in your Bliss!
You came up with so many for circular. I couldn't come up with a thing.
Beautiful photos!
Have a great week-end!
Oh, wow, gotta love a place with a resident cat, and you found so many circles, Carver. This is great. I really enjoyed this post.
I needed that boost of sunshine! I do wonder if every Botanic garden has a resident cat; Edinburgh's botanics have one too :)
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