
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today's Flowers: Remains of the garden with hope for the future

I wandered around my garden and deck a few days ago, photographing what was left from the growing season past and considering the promise of the season to come.

Depending on the point of view, mostly emptied husks from the hibiscus (rose of sharon) in my garden above can spell an ending or a beginning. I know in a few months that new plants will pop up in the usual as well as unexpected places, coming back up from roots as well as bird planted seeds in new spots.


The remains of the purple cone flowers (echanasia) above are also signs of old flowers with the promise of new to come.


The black eyed susan (rudbeckia) above was planted late, by a bird I assume, in a pot on my deck whose planned flowers were finished. This flower bloomed months after the rest and I watched eager to see if the flower would open before a hard frost which it did, just barely. Even zapped by the cold almost as soon as it bloomed, it was frozen in this unusual form and months later still has hint of yellow flower and green leaf. All the other rudbeckia had turned black and brown, withering away by late August.


The fairy asters above were also a late volunteer in a deck pot and although the daisy like flowers faded long ago the puffy seed are still white unlike the others in my garden which long ago dropped as brown seeds. Please visit the home of Today's Flowers to find other participants.

16 comments: said...

Hello..I came here today, very early, and did not find it your post...and now..I am here
I do not have words for to say NOTHING cause your sshts are, simply, excellents

have a nice sunday
God bless US

eileeninmd said...

Fantastic post, you will have a lovely garden in the spring.


A great documentary of the beauty of flowers, long after they have withered!

Pacey said...

Yes,let's wait for their time...time to bloom in its full glory.

DeniseinVA said...

It looks like you had a beautiful day for taking your photos. The lighting on them is wonderful and your photos are fantastic!

Carolyn Ford said...

Old "spent" flowers can be a garden attraction too! I think you will have another lovely place of beauty in a few months...

Regina said...

Hope spring will arrive early.
Great shots!
Have a nice week ahead.

Carletta said...

The remains of blooms are just as wonderous to behold.
I especially like your black-eyed susan shot. It looks like it is in a little cocoon ready to emerge any minute - wonderful photo!

Chie Wilks said...

oh..they're all withered but they surely bloom soon

mine's here

Anonymous said...

I love your collection of seeds filled with this year's promise. The black-eyed Susan is fascinating the way it dried!

Naturegirl said...

All these seed pods certainly give the winter garden some interest...better yet if it were snow covered. Here we have none,,very unusual for this time of year.
Tomorrow and Spring will be here before we know it!

Rambling Woods said...

Loved the walk..I took a look around my yard as we are in the thaw...the birds were making some spring type calls and some posturing....Michelle

Randi said...

Nice shots and I love the photo of your Rudbeckia. A beautiful piece of art.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear friend Carver!
It's an interesting post with beautiful shots.During this weekend I've visited Holland and I remembered your flowers'posts because I visited a Flower Market there really cool, I have no doubt you will love it!
have a nice week!

Nicole said...

Nature is simply amazing.
I love the 'frozen' flower.
Isn't it great what nature surprises us with sometimes?

Together We Save said...

Hope of tomorrow.... what a wonderful thing to think about. Have a wonderful week.