Sometimes I wonder how we all seemed to survive our childhoods way back when we did lick the spoon with raw eggs in the mixture. I received brownies in a jar for Christmas. The jar is filled with decadent ingredient and all you do is add eggs and butter. It was hard to resist licking the spoon but I resisted.
After the brownies baked in the oven and I cut them into squares, I did lick the knife just for this post, but I will spare you a shot with my tongue. Even if I could have taken the shot it would have been gross.
Photohunters post at TNChick's Home Site on Saturdays.
Happy New Year....Can I taste it as well :D
My entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks
Happy New Year Carver, and what a yummylicious lickable post you have. I am guilty of licking the batter too.
Happy New Year Carver. I am giving it PH a miss this week too I'm afraid. Next week for sure.
This cracks me up! I spent my childhood licking beaters, spoons etc. I loved it when they made caramel icing. Licking wasn't dangerous back in the "good ole days".
A very happy new year to you!
Did you eat all those brownies without sharing one with me? LOL
I'm glad you resisted licking the spoon!
Hi Carver --
Great looking dessert! As for licking and raw eggs: I sometimes wonder whether we can be too careful these days... and as a result, not build up natural immunity the way that some people in earlier days would. :S
Wow. Yum! I love your new banner.
I wonder why too..we scream at the kids when they lick the batter spoon off knowing there's raw eggs. Yet we can't help remembering us doing the same thing way back then.
Happy Weekend Carver!!!
Happy New Year, Those look delicious :)
hahhaah i am laughing bcoz i am trying to imagine the shot of yr tongue after licking the spoon heheh
Happy new year :)
LOL ok, we'll just imagine you licking the knife then. your brownie in a jar looks definitely worth tasting.:p
And a happy New Year to you :)
I still lick the spoon.... ;-)
Now that got me to lick my thumb... any more spare around?? :P
Happy New Year 2010!
Mmmm...lick the spoon! Great take on the theme. And yummy pics :)
We've always licked the spoons and scraped the mixing bowls in my family. In fact I believe my sons thought it was the best part! Your photo of the brownie mix looks so very good!
Yummm, go ahead and lick! :)
Mine is up too, right here:
yum! looks good, dont lick the spoon, but give me the bowl when its cooking. I do taste hamburger when making hamburgers though, not really licking the spoon. I have a thing really about even sharing a spoonful of something I am eating with someone else! keep you fork outa my fish or whatever!
I still lick the spoon.
I don't care if you're supposed to or not, I still lick the spoon.
Thanks for reminding me of all the joy of licking the spoon and watching my mother cook. I do still lick the spoon at time. And those brownies look great.
How did we survive all that licking? LOL...Now I need some chocolate...
Glad i ate lunch before reading this one. No way I would have resisted the urge to lick the spoon.
All my best to you in the new year Carver!!
Delightfully yummy treat for the new year! Happy New Year!!
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