
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today's Flowers: Almost missed the flowers for the leaves

I was photographing the autumn leaves in my back yard on Saturday and didn't even realize that my roses were trying to stage a comeback until I down loaded the photographs.
The first and last shots are the ones I took after I had looked at my downloaded shots and realized there were a few roses left. I immediately went back outside and up the hill to investigate the beds in front of my greenhouse and storage building. The roses in front of the greenhouse have gone to sleep for the winter but the storage building roses have a few new blooms.
The shot above is the one which made me realize I should walk up the hill in my back yard and check out the roses. The Virginia Creeper growing on the lines I used to use for peas was what I was shooting but in the top right I spotted the little rose bud. By the way the area where the Virginia Creeper is growing was my daughter's swing set but after she outgrew the swing set, permanent raised beds with tops for starting spring plants were built. I often refer to that part of my garden as my swing set garden.
Please visit the home of Today's Flowers to visit other participants.


Leora said...

How beautiful those roses are - we saw some yellow roses last night, and my husband said why are they blooming in the fall - and I said, some of them do that.

I like the idea of Virginia Creeper on your old swing set.

Anonymous said...

We love the beautiful coloured leaves in Canada and almost forget the last lovely flowers in the garden.
Thank you for posting your great rose pictures.

i beati said...

still quite jubilant the little rose bud of orange and red.

Luiz Ramos said...

Beautiful back yard and story.
Luiz Ramos

Cezar and Léia said...

Adorable post!
C'est magnifique!
Au revoir
Léia :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carver: Those are wonderful captures of a beautiful rose.

Nance said...

what a smart idea about the swing set, carver! we have one too that was outgrown and wondering what to do with i don't have to wonder! lol
that rose bud is just adorable!

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful roses, I still have a few roses and daisies blooming but not for much longer. The Virginia Creeper on the swing set makes for an interesting shot.
Through Squirrel Eyes

LifeRamblings said...

those are lovely roses, great shots Carver.

Squirrel said...

Beautifully captured roses Carver!! Nice little story of how you came to name that part of your garden.

Ebie said...

Such pretty rose and the rosebud is so cute! Your backyard has colorful leaves too!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I'm in love with the Rose!

Here's my first TF entry. Hope you can come by!

Naturegirl said...

Your roses are magnificant! I find this time a year those last few remaining roses are precious last time to say goodbye..until we meet in Summer.
I also have a few wonderful orange roses that continue to perform enven though the night air is frosty!

Amanda Moore said...

Carver that Orange had me from the minute I saw it it is stunning!

Arija said...

Is that 'Sutter's Gold' by any chance? Lovely late roses. With a large garden many spots accumulate historically significant names.

ellen said...

I love it!Hope you can find time to visit my blogs..

Regina said...

How gorgeous!

MaR said...

Carver, your roses are precious!!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous rose! Seems the perfect colour for this time of year.

Rambling Woods said...

I love it when you take a photo and find a surprise..serendipity..

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with the beauty of the roses. Lovely colors it has :)

Jack and Joann said...

The first roses of spring and the last roses of fall are the most precious and delightful. Enjoy your autume in the state of ????? We live in the state that has Virginia Creeper---Virginia.

Nicole said...

Amazing - Spring in autumn :D
Those roses are truly lovely.
I'm glad you went back out to check :)

mommanator said...

O arent they georgeous! seems too hot in FL for many roses, unless I go to the wrong places?

lissa said...

I love the orange rose, at least it looks orange to me, I don't think I saw such a wonderful shade of a rose in person before

Ayie said...

your roses have unique color, i haven't seen orange roses here around or have i?

Carletta said...

Those roses aren't trying to stage a comeback - they did! Beautiful!

I lost my Internet Browser over the weekend and I'm just now able to visit the flower posts. Thanks so much for visting mine. :)