
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Nature Notes - Fall Road Trip

I usually go on some type of road trip in the fall. This year we went to Williamsburg, Virgina which is an easy drive from where I live in central North Carolina.
We usually go a few weeks later in the season for our fall trip hitting it when the leaves are reaching their peak color but there were some things I liked about going earlier.
There is already a fair amount of fall color at home and on the road but although chilly we haven't had a hard freeze yet, so there are also a lot of flowers still in bloom.
As you have probably figured out by now we had some rain for our trip but it worked out fine. It was an off again on again rain and didn't interfere with our having a good time.
We took the back roads there which were more scenic and also took the ferry each way which was a fun change from the more direct highway route.
We had the most rain on Thursday afternoon when we arrived which worked out fine. We got checked in at the Colonial Williamsburg visitor center and spent our afternoon in an extensive museum. You could almost spend a few days in the museum alone.
Friday was the day we did most of our wandering around Colonial Williamsburg and other than occasional light rain, it was a pleasant cool fall day for walking.
I liked the way there was a little bit of each season. We even saw a bare tree as well as a lot of green and flowers, plus some fall foliage.
When we headed home on Saturday, there was still on again off again rain but not bad at all.
I always enjoy the congregation of seagulls at a ferry.
The closer we got to home the more the weather showed signs of clearing until a patch of blue showed through the clouds. All and all an enjoyable trip.
For other participants of nature notes or signs of the season click here.


Gel said...

I enjoyed all of these, but especially the birds.
It's a great road trip with so much history and quaint appeal. (I live in VA).

Ascender Rises Above said...

what a great series of photos! love the house; like on stilts. we've been having a lot of rain too; but we have a break now for about five or six days. miss all this color you have in your area of the world.

Squirrel said...

What a nice selection of photos. Glad you had a good time on your trip.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the weather didn't spoil your trip at all. In fact, it didn't even spoil your photos!

Arija said...

We do the same in autumn. Although we have plenty of colour at our house on the mountain, we seek a combination of colour and flowing water and a few days of respite from daily chores.

I love your photos of the rainy days, the bits of colour and that splendid veggie patch!

Nicole said...

Thanks for that lovely trip! Even with the rain you got so many cool shots in :)
My Gav is the one with the "empty" trees.

Caron said...

I love the photo of the bare trees against a grey sky. It seems strange to have that and the green trees and colorful flowers.

Leora said...

I'm glad you had a good time despite the raindrops! I feel more relaxed just having read your post.

My husband and daughter would like Williamsburg. One day we'll make it there.

Crafty Green Poet said...

looks like a lovely trip! I especialyl like the photo of the gulls, I think the one raised up in the middle is some type of tern,

Rambling Woods said...

You do tell a great photo story Carver. I especially like that you were able to look past the rain. I might have gotten stuck on it myself. LOL.... Michelle

Ayie said...

i like that cascading water so nice to look at

RJ Flamingo said...

We usually wind up in Williamsburg in the middle of winter, so I'm delighted to see it here with some color! Great trip, Carver!

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a lovely road trip to Williamsburg.

MyMaracas said...

I'm glad the rain didn't spoil your trip. There is so much to see and learn in Williamsburg. I felt like I was along for the road trip, with your photos of the scenery!