
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Nature Notes: Can't get enough of those blue herons

I have been featuring the great blue herons I photographed on a walk this past Sunday on my other blog . I took so many shots of the four great blues I spotted, that I thought I'd use some of the shots I didn't post on my other blog for this week's nature notes.


I'm glad we had some clear days over the weekend because this week has been off to a rainy, chilly start. I like the cooler air but driving to work in the rain in rush hour traffic hasn't been great.


Since I've been having to work at the office instead of at my home computer this week, I have been noticing more and more changes in the leaves on the highway.


We still have a long ways to go for the full fall color but I am enjoying paying attention to each new change I spot.


I haven't been risking life and limb though, to take photographs (or at least not many) while I'm driving in bumper to bumper traffic to and from work. Just as well it has been raining as it hasn't been as much of a temptation as it sometimes is to sneak a driving shot.


The only exception is when the traffic is at a total standstill, I do sometimes sneak a photograph while driving. Also in town at stop lights I will sometimes take a shot or two. I thought for my last shot I'd show you the nandina bushes in their fall colors outside the office where I've been working this week. The big trees are still green but glad that the bushes have donned their fall clothes.


Please visit the home of nature notes to find other participants.


Cezar and Léia said...

:) Here is he again,this fabulous blue heron!All shots are beautiful but that one with reflection...outstanding!

Ayie said...

sooooo nice with that reflection!

Rambling Woods said...

I guess then the heavy traffic works to the photographer's advantage then. LOL. I have (somewhere) how to tell male and female herons from each other. I haven't been able to do it yet... Thank you for supporting Nature Notes Carver. It is appreciated... Michelle

RA said...

Lovely critter! He is looking straight into your camera. Have a wonderful week :)

Anonymous said...

I have yet to take a decent shot of a blue heron! You did good, Carver!

moosh said...

I really enjoyed the fall color. Fall flew right by me and brought winter. Great shots of the herons.

Squirrel said...

Nice shots Carver. I'm partial to the reflection and the fall colors.

Caron said...

I love herons and your photos give me a much better look at them than I ever get since I only see them when I'm walking or when they fly over my office building. I also take photos from the car and often wonder what people think, especially when I forget to turn off the flash!

Ascender Rises Above said...

i am amazed you got that close to a blue heron!

gel said...

I love the slender form of these birds and since I don't live near them, thank you for these fabulous shots! I'm a new one here from Nature Notes blog.

MyMaracas said...

I know what you mean about the temptation to shoot while driving. It's hard to resist sometimes.

Kudos on your heron shots! We have two that show up here now and then, but I've never gotten close enough for a photo. They are amazing.

Unknown said...

Those are lovely!
I am a total fan of herons!

But tell me, how do you tell the difference between a gray and a blue heron?

Arija said...

I'm in love with the blue very shy heron who visits the pond in our park but am so glad to see yours as mine has not been around for a while. There is so much water around he has too great a choice.
I look forward to your fall colours when they materialize.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Enjoyed this glimpse into your world!