
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today's Flowers: Wildflowers doing well as we near autumn


While walking on a trail near my house this Saturday, I was pleased at how well the wildflowers are doing.


This has been a good year for late summer and early fall flowers where I live. I think it's because we have had such a wet year.


Some years at the end of summer, in North Carolina where I live, everything is looking brown and parched. Above average rainfall this year has given a boost to many of the wildflowers.


The woods on the trail we walked on were filled with such a nice variety of flowers. The cooler mornings are giving me a boost and I'll have to try and walk regularly on the trails like I used to.


Even if I don't have the energy for a brisk walk, I can at least go on photo walks. Walk a few steps, take a photo, walk a few more steps . . . . The last shot is from my back yard. The fairy asters are bursting into bloom all over the place at my house.


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Luiz Ramos said...

Great shots. Love wildflowers.
Luiz Ramos

kbguy said...

As you are approaching autumn, we are into monsoon / raining season. We only have two seasons in a year. The other is summer said...

Great shot and a good view of the garden..congrats

Nance said...

We have the same wild flowers, Carver. I find these in upstate NY too and they are indeed a beauty!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carver: They certainly are putting on a wonderful show.

Napaboaniya said...

Lovely wild flowers you're sharing this week Carver :)
You've also just reminded me that Mid-Autumn festival is approaching :)

Carletta said...

What a lovely walk with you Carver!
We haven't had rain for a few weeks so things are browning out.
Lovely shots of your wildflowers.

Kathy W said...

Oh those are very pretty wildflowers. Makes me want to go hunt up some around here. =)

Snap said...

A walk is not a walk without the camera!!!! Lovely wildflowers. I'm glad you took that stroll!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers...

Anonymous said...

Love your selection of wildflowers for today.
Great shots!!

i beati said...

their own special show sandy

Vicky said...

I like to go for photo walk too when I feel less energtic. Lovely wild flowers.

DeniseinVA said...

These are beautiful Craver, just love those wildflowers. Thanks for identifying one of mine. Sure do appreciate that. Thanks for participating in Today's Flowers and have a great week!

SandyCarlson said...

Your photos are gorgeous. Our autumn seems to be taking a turn tonight. Very cold! I hope we fare as well as you by morning.

Marju said...

Beautiful pictures!

Tulip said...

wow that's a lot of dainty fresh colorful flowers.

my entry:

Dora said...

Wow! So many beautiful flowers in the wild!

Happy weekends.

dom said...

Hope to hear from you soon...

EG CameraGirl said...

I agree that many wildflowers are exceptionally lovely this year.

Daryl said...

Gorgeous .. what mouthwatering colors!

Ayie said...

lucky you, it's been dry here in our area

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello sweet!
Wonderful flowers!I'm learning a lot with you and your wonderful posts.Step by step I'm feeling more confidant to take some flowers'pictures and I always remember your posts!
Please forgive my absence, we were travelling last weekend and now I need to set up everything here at home.I mean a lot of laundry to do! :)
Great post Carver,very beautiful!
Léia :)

Christy Woolum said...

I have missed enjoying your lovely photos. It is nice to be back. I love the white asters.

Anonymous said...

Mother Nature is a gifted gardener, don't you agree?

eastcoastlife said...

So you are getting ready for the cold months ahead.
I would miss the flowers in your lovely garden.

maria said...

Enjoying looking at your beautiful photos .

thanks for posting them.
