I hope that everyone has a great weekend. I also hope I will be able to visit your photohunt posts. I always do my photohunt theme in advance when I have time and I usually post on Friday afternoon since I have more time to visit early birds but also try to visit as many as I can on the official Saturday post day. My computer sounded like it was going to go off into outerspace when I started it up this morning. I have called the service guys and they said someone was coming before Wednesday. Grrrrrr, so I'm hoping that I don't go offline in the meantime. I have a work laptop but haven't used it in ages and it's not even current enough for work so I'm hoping my desktop will purr along until the techies come.
Technorati where you can find early birds and later posts -

Home of the hunt where links to photohunters are posted on Saturday PhotoHunt
yeah yeah yeah!!! I m first here... !
happy hunting!
That's a nice gift from your friend. It's wonderful to have a token to help you remember happy and fun moments.
Thanks for sharing that wonderful video. It's a great and timeless song.
Hope everything goes well with your computer. Happy weekend!
Great choices for the theme :) I liked the bonus video clip too!
Happy Photo Hunting!
happy weekend!
that's a cute pillow.
That's a nice cushion. What a thoughtful gift from your friend. I guessed she would have taken a long time to do the cross-stitch.
It's a long time since I last heard about the duo. They are one of my best during my younger days. That's showed time really make us grow old right? :P
Wow - thanks for the video! Loved it!
Happy Weekend.
What a wonderful take on the theme. I hope you have the thyme to visit the Poor Mouth!
Very lovely, I miss crosstitching....happy hunting!
That is a beautiful pillow. Have a great weekend.
That's a very creative take on this week's theme. I love the series of photos you showed.
Have a great weekend!
Thanks so much to everyone for visiting my photohunt post. My computer is still whirring along so hopefully won't crash, at least until after I visit the photohunters. Just kidding and I have been promised that the technician will come by Tuesday so if I do crash, hopefully I won't be offline too long.
So many wonderful memories of time (or should I say thyme?) Now I'll be singing Simon and Garfunkle for the rest of the evening. :)
That's a great cushion, especially with wonderful memories of shared times.
Sorry I've been AWOL - blame it on the new job!
Like you said in the comment on my Photo Hunt post - how strange that we both thought of Simon and Garfunkel.
Great minds!!!!
great post for time. I like the video.
happy weekend!
Wow, carver I didnt know u can sing!! =D
It's so nice to have a memorable time with friend. It makes us feel so warm n sweet isn't it?
Carver--LOVE the pillow, and the story about the wild time you had with your friend.
Went to Younger Son's choir concert last Friday night, and one of the choirs sang Scarborough Fair, and of course it's impossible to hear that song without flashing back to S & G, and memories of those days.
Nice Pillow... looks like you've had some great times!
I LOVE it! And Love Simon and Garfunkel! Great song! Thank you for that you tube video!!!
That's a cute gift. Very good interpretation of the theme. Happy hunting.
The thyme is perfect!
nice post, simon/garfunkle is one of my favorites
That pillow is nice. I like the country feel of it :) Thanks for sharing the video as well.
what a really creative take on the theme. well done. :) pretty pillow.
happy weekend.
Ok - the first pillow is by far the coolest play on the theme! lovely picks.
Gosh Carver you are imaginative whereas I am pedestrian this week, well every week really. LOL. What a blast from the past with the photo of you and your friend. Have a great weekend.
I LOVE that song!
i personally like simon and art. they're one of the best classic group.
Great time, wild time, with friends. :)
Hmm... the gift from your friend.
What a way to say time as tyme :D
mightily impressed, you've got a good time this week :)
Twenty bucks says you had to google for those lyrics ;-)
(But these days, so would I.)
Great take for the theme.
Mine's is up too here and here.
nice choose for 'time' theme.
Will you visit mine Thanks
when i see the pillow..makes me want to sleep again :D
Visit mine also Thanks
Its nice entry in this theme good job...Mine is up...
opps i forgot my link...
Thanks for your birthday wishes. :)
It's been great meeting you online and over time, we have become friends even though we are in two different countries thousands of kilometres apart. :)
Happy weekend!
What a creative twist on the theme! Good times with friends are always great.
What a great take on the theme, Carver!! Love that pillow from your friend and Simon & Garfunkel.
Hope your pc is working ok. Enjoy a wonderful weekend :)
Oh that's the best PhotoHunt entry I've read yet today - it's great! I love that song. :)
Craver, this post is so sweet, full of wonderful memories.
Have a great weekend :)
Nice take on the theme. Have a nice weekend.
Great post, Carver, and hope that your computer doesn't conk out on you any TIME soon...
Wonderful post, Carver! I hope your computer holds out!
You happened to choose one of my favorite Simon & Garfunkel songs. That would not be difficult as I love them all, but this one especially.
My photo hunt is something you'd like to view I'm sure. Like Birds? Come on over-----
Thanks for visiting my photohunt post. I am enjoying the time theme.
thanks for the visit and the birthday wishes, I'm 26 today, although feeling much older due to late night partying last night!
Happy Saturday Hunting. cute little pillow. thyme....
Yikes, Carver. I hope your computer doesn't go completely down on you this weekend!
I've always loved Simon and Garfunkle, so thanks for bringing back some good memories.
Love the photo of you playing the guitar and singing :=)
Wow...blast from the past..Love the pics
Great post and pics - but I just love the Wild Thyme!! :)
Happy weekend!
I came to comment here but then got carried away with the rose garden.
Fun shots! Love the pillow... very creative. Good luck with your pc problems.
Carver, great take on the theme of "Time." Lovely pillow from your good friend! :D
Great play on words for the theme.
What sweet memories of time past Carver! I always enjoy your posts!
Have a great weekend!
TIME and TYME again, And Ive seen yet another Great blog here too.well done. Nice theme for PH.
come and visit the time in paris.
time doesn't change friendship, only gets better, a lovely pillow gift
thanks for visiting our site and leaving such nice comments
Parsley,Sage, Rosemary and Thyme! I love S and G - and luckily saw them in the late 60´s at the Hollywood Bowl. Great photos!
Happy weekend
I liked your take on time/thyme. I never even made the connection, but I did think of time in a bottle! Your lucky to have such a good friend.
Good luck with your computer!
What a fun bunch of time photos. The pillow is to neat!
What a great pillow!! I also loved the video bonus. Great choice for the theme this week.
Heh...I love the pillow. It's too cute. :)
Great take on this week's theme. Thanks for the "bonus". Mine is up here if you get a chance to stop by. Happy Hunting!
That cushion must have taken quite some time to make too. Thanks for popping over
Great gift to go with some great memories! Loved the post!
Oh, what a lovely post, Carter. I loved it all! Thanks for stopping by to comment on time at the creek - and for your kind well-wishes. I pray that despite your computer ills that your weekend is just marvelous!
That first one slays me! :)
Wild Thyme - right!
This is a lovely post, Carver. We all need to remember good times, and take time to make future memories, too!
Hope your computer survives. I'm making the most of a bit of free time here, but my computer's been taken over by visitors. If I lost it altogether I'd throw a tantrum!
what a precious group of photo. photographs indded are the best way to keep important moments timeless
Didn't get to watch the videos cause I am at work,.. but love the pillow of Thyme! I got my desktop at Desktopclocks.com, I think. A ton to pick from. Have a great week.
Thanks again to everyone for visiting my photohunt post.
I love your Wild Thyme pillow! And I have always love Simon and Garfunkel songs! Your post really made me smile today! Great take on the theme this week - nice shots and a terrific video!
Hope you get your PC all fixed up so you can stay online! Have a nice weekend!
great take on the theme Carver. i love it when the receiver appreciates what's been given.
thanks for the visit. :)
That's a fun pillow. :) Wonderful take on the theme this week. :)
Thanks again to everyone for visiting my photohunt post.
Lovely pillow you got as a gift from your friend. I love embroidery especially flowers.
Have a great week.
Old Friends is one of my all-time favorite songs by Simon and Garfunkle.
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