Note- I did not buy all of these shoes. I wear the same size shoes as my sisters and when they get shoes that aren't quite right for them, I benefit by receiving their extras. One of the perks to being the youngest of three daughters. Lifelong habits of sharing continue on. You can almost pick out which ones I bought: think hiking boots, sneakers, comfortable, one pair of red walking shoes, and those are the ones I bought. Nice to have options though, when I occasionally dress up, and for that I have my sisters to thank. A side note on the red (wine colored) shoes. I think of them as my ruby slippers. I usually wear them to oncology appointments in case I need to click my heels and go home.
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Thats quite a lot of shoes!
Anyway, they are cool shoes, would love to benefit them if ever you decided not to used them anymore, lol.
Btw, nice collage and great photography as always.
Take care and happy weekend!
You must have a special "Shoe-room"?!? I would love to have all these shoes!!!
Have a nice weekend!
how many shoes are there in all?
those are a lot!
That's a lot of shoes!! but you killed two birds with one stone!
I love shoes but I normally wear 2 or 3 pairs and the other pairs remain in the closet... I have pretty ones for special occasions but that doesn't happen too often. I am all for comfortable, walking shoes!
happy hunting and happy weekend :)
Oh my, what a collection. I know mine used to be that huge only because I would never throw away my older pairs. Now it's much smaller but I still need to go for a spring cleaning.. ;-)
Live it up!
Thanks for visiting my "shoes" PH post.
Mari asked how many shoes I had because of how I put together sections of photographs for the collage. I counted the ones on the picture on my computer that showed all of them and there were 45. However about 6 are just flip flops, and a couple are water shoes, and I did identify about 10 pairs I'm going to give away to "Goodwill".
Now that is a lot of shoes! Perhaps mine would look like that too if I actually got way in the back of my closet. :-)
Happy Weekend.
oh wow you are in direct competition with Lady Imelda Marcos! ;-)
Great collage!
I have also lots of shoes from my sister's in law, cousins and friends that they dont like any more.
great entry carver!
its nice to give some on goodwill
happy hunting
Ha! Now that was a very productive exercize for Photo Hunters, you cleaned out your closet and donated to Goodwill. Way to go...
Have a nice weekend.
Wow!!! Carver those sure are a lot of shoes, and an awesome photo entry for the theme this week :) Happy photo hunting and have a great weekend!
Great collage effect with the photo. I hope you have a really good weekend. :)
that is a lot of shoes for sure, have a nice weekend
If only I could have so many shoes like I see on the picture! My dream!
Wow thats too many to wear... Happy weekend...
That's really a lot of shoes.
You have a ton of shoes! Wow! My daughter does too. I posted just a few pairs that belong to both my daughters...including a pair that could themselves be called ruby slippers. :)
lucky you to be having sisters with the same shoe size! cool collection! :)
happy photo hunting!
Wow - you could start a shoe shop! Love the collage idea!!
Happy weekend
That's a whole lot of shoes! I've only got one shoe rack, and if I buy a new pair, another pair has to go to good will. Except for the ones I stash back in the closet ;)
A lot of different kinds of shoes..
Nice work. That's quite a collection!
that's a lot of shoes! nice collage effect too! happy hunting weekend :)
@_@ That's a showcase of lots of shoes!!
Do visit my other 'Shoes' at APAD if you're free :)
I envy you for having so many pairs of beautiful shoes. I can't wear these. Only a pair of special walking shoes. :(
A woman after my own heart with a lot of shoes, but I bought all mine. I just never throw any out!
Have a good weekend Carver. Thanks for Mr Linky!
When the picture first came up, I thought, wow this person is rich..so many shoes! Then I understood that it is a collage! Still good idea for this week's theme!
Wow, that's a lot of shoes!
Thats quite a collection of shoes. I can't believe you brought them all outside for a photo shoot.
Lot of shoes here, shows a slice of life.
I liked your line: "Lifelong habits of sharing continue on."
Happy Weekend!
I think that's more shoes than everyone in my family (of 5) owns, combined!
nice one for today's theme... the movie Sx and the City changed New York to New Yorks--- become a big shoe store now... LOL!
Now that is original - a woman getting rid of shoes. Perhaps I should go hide now? :)
So....how many did you have, and how many did you give away? :)
great catch for today's theme... mine's up too hope you can drop by.
great shot for the theme, happy weekend :) mine's up too
Wow, you have so many shoes! Lol
Your array of shoes leaves me speechless!! Wonderful shot though. I just have one single pair on display... :D
Have a great weekend Carver!
Carver, so many shoes! Where do you keep your stuff?
Have a great weekend :)
Wow! Great collage! How many shoes are there in total?
Taking just one photo into considerations, that's still a lot of shoes, Carver!
Cute - it's like fun house mirrors.
Impressive!! You have a lot of shoes!!
Happy hunting~
Thanks to everyone for visiting. To answer questions about the number of shoes, there were 45 pairs in the photograph and I identified 10 pairs to give a way. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Even just one section is more shoes than I've ever owned! Well, possibly that's an exaggeration :) I have only one sister and her feet aren't the same size as mine, so I've never had that benefit.
That's a great picture you've made, a great effect.
Wow... that's a lot of shoes!!!!!
So envious of you carver!
you were in my closet snooping weren't you:) Great colors and FUN
Having the same shoe size with family members is indeed a blessing. :) Unfortunately my feet are bigger than my mother and sister. They're the one who benefit from each others' shoes. Happy weekend, Carver!
That's a lot of shoes. I'm sure some people will be glad to have some new pairs for them to wear for a while. Have a great weekend.
So many shoes can you wear them all or some just stay on your shoe closet? I wonder? but your shoot is superb! Keep it up!
you make it look so nice - it does like a lot of shoes! great collage
Carver, which one's did you give away? The all look good and comfy! :D
You really went all out for this hunt ;-)
Very nice... and a great idea to sort 'em out and goodwill what you don't need!
Carver! I can not believe you really HAD alllllllllllllllll those shoes! How does a body acquire that many shoes??? ROFL!!! Man! It must have taken you a few dumptruck loads to the Goodwill.... LOL!
That's a lot of shoes, Carver! I love the "ruby slippers" story. My daughter and I wear the same size shoes! I don't know what I'll do when she goes away to college! *sigh*
Oh I envy your patience! I had no time to rearrange mine like that! Another shoeholic outdid me! lol. Happy weekend!
Wow, so many shoes! Sounds as if the PH has been good for the benefit organisation and for your cupboard!
Have a nice weekend!
Nice collage, and an excellent choice for this week's theme. You have a lot more shoes than I do! Have a lovely weekend.
Thanks for visiting so early - I'm here at last!
Love your collage, it's worked well.
lots of shoes! wow is what I'm thinking. lol
I LOVE that you have ruby slippers and can wear them to click your heels. I LOVE that idea!
Lots and lots of shoes, what a good idea!
Um that's a lot of shoes. Great pictures! I collect shoes... I have lots that I've never worn. But I would never consider donating them. Until I'm too feeble to even worry about shoes any more, then, maybe! I hope you are having a nice weekend :D Stop by & visit me if you get a chance.
That' still a lot for me. I thought only centipede needs that much of shoes. hahaha...
Just kidding, Have a nice weekend. :)
Your name isn't Imelda is it, she had 1060 pairs of shoes. I think I have 6 or 7 pairs including winter boots and gum boots. I am obviously letting womanhood down and must go out and buy more asap. LOL great shot
Wow! That's quite a show you have prepared for this topic. I knew that men cannot offer anything of value this time...
Have a great weekend!
Great photo collage!
Hey, I'm with you on the shoes - I like flat, comfortable ones. I apparently have wide feet and high arches, although they don't look it at first. They're wide around the base of the toes (what's that area called?) I can't stand heels and I wonder at those women who can actually walk and run and dance in them. I think, "why torture yourself?" LOL
Well, my comment appears on last weeks Weekend Snapshot--and I figured out why. When I enter my name, your comment page always takes me to the next Mr. Linky instead of the place for my URL.
You have a lot of shoes, I have a lot of shoes--I wouldn't dare line them up like that. I do need to weed out those I don't wear.
oh my, you can donate some if you won't wear them. great shots by the way.
thanks for the visit! :)
What a great collage of shoes! I especially like what you said about the red shoes!!! Hope that you're having a great weekend!
That's a great collage. Nice collection you have there. I spy some Crocs and aqua shoes. Lovely sandals.
Thanks so much to everyone for visiting and commenting on my PH post.
Wow... a lot of shoes!
Did you make the goodwill trip yet??
TN Chick I'm embarrassed to say I haven't made it to the Goodwill drop off yet but I am also pulling clothes out of my closet to go soon so it will be a big haul.
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