
Friday, December 20, 2013

Photohunters: Mellow special decorations

For the past 5 or so years I have become very mellow about Christmas and only get a few special decorations out of the attic.
I am so mellow this year that I haven't done any decorating yet but I'll probably do a few things this weekend.
These shots are from my previous mellow Christmas decorating.
I remember when I used to a big tree every Christmas and move furniture around to fit it into my living room but with age I've mellowed out.
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I thought these shots would fit both themes because they are all from my mellow Christmas decorating years. The shot below makes me laugh because it looks like I tossed the decorations on the table. That's about as mellow as decorating gets.
The advent calendar in the first shot reminds me of my child and I reading the Christmas story for each day of advent during breakfast.
I probably won't get that advent calendar down since we're already half way through advent and I don't have a child at home to read it with me. Since I stopped getting a big tree at Christmas I tend to hang ornaments anywhere that's handy because I have so many that I like.


Susan Demeter said...

I love your mellow Christmas :) We still have an 18 yr old at home and hubby is big on Christmas decorating, but I enjoy how you decorate :) You could even leave a couple about and have Christmas cheer year through :)

Merry Christmas Carver wishing you and you family all the best for 2014 too!

My photo hunt entry for this week

eastcoastlife said...

We don't celebrate Christmas at home, so I don't have to spend time decorating. Every year, there will be a couple of Christmas parties to attend. Merry Christmas Carver!

YTSL said...

I don't usually celebrate Christmas in the conventional sense -- but this year, I was given a Hello Kitty advent calendar filled with chocolates for each day covered by the calendar... ;)

Ingrid said...

For a mellow Christmas decoration, it looks very cheerful and they are beautiful. I also was rather reluctant to dig out all these things, and had no fun to put them up, it was rather work ! But I have a 3 year old grandson so I was on Grandma duty !
Christmas was only nice when I was a child and when my son was little. After that it became family duty ! Maybe this year will be better with a little one.

MaR said...

I love your decorarions. We haven't had a real xmas tree in years, and my decorations are truly minimal since there are no children around. I have my advent candles for the xmas spirit. Merry Xmas to you and yours, Carver!

Anonymous said...

Love the mellow look. I have decided that Christmas is just a ton of work. The mellow approach is the way to go.

Have a great weekend!

Annie said...

I like your decorations and good for you for going mellow. I still haven't decorated either. :) I might just throw some on the table like you did. :)

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Mellow Christmas is still Christmas. To many times we get caught up in the rush of the holidays. My favorite is the simple nativity.
Merry Mellow Christmas ~

Jenn Jilks said...

It is good to change it up from time to time!
Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love the ornaments hanging everywhere -- wish I'd thought of that.

We have lights on our boat and lanai ...that's about all.

I do want to wish you and your Bill a happy Christmas and New Year and thank you for the great posts all year!!

Ela said...

Wonderful Christmas decorations.
I wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !