It is common for museums to have engraved metal name plates for some works of art (or it used to be), but I've noticed an increased use of cards for titles and information in many museums.
The card above goes with the art below. I took the photographs a few years ago at the NC Museum of Art. I realize in some ways this post is similar to my take on last week's information photohunt except last week I used large poster size cards at a old railroad town and this time I'm using shots from a museum.
Click for the home of photohunters.
I am thankful for information cards!! love your shots for the theme, I am back after a few weeks, it's nice to visit familiar blogs again :)
Happy weekend!
These are great shots! I too went with a museum display this week :)
You know I noticed that too about information on cards, I guess that's easier to fix if there was a typo or other types of error.
Happy weekend.
Great photos for this week's theme. Very interesting art pieces.
Happy weekend to you Carver.
Hi Carver --
I find the information cards in museums more, well, informative than the metal name plates. So am happy to see them about a museum -- something I actually wrote about in my Photo Hunt entry! ;b
i guess the engraved metal plates cost too much. the printed cards are much more cost efficient.:p
I love those information cards. Good choice.
Museum visits are lovely and I take photos of the info for each item too. Just in case I forget :D
My PH:
Great shots for this week's challenging theme. it looks like a fascinating museum to visit.
Have a good weekend.
I am fascinated with the art pieces. I would surely read the cards for more info.
wow! these are great takes! mine is up also at asahmreviews.net
Cool shots
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