
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nature Notes: Cell phone photos and diary

I am so excited! Thanks to a very generous gift I am getting a new camera this week. In the meantime, I remembered my cell phone had a lousy built in camera.
The cell phone works o.k. for flowers like the honeysuckle above. Anytime I can hold the cell phone camera right over the object, it sort of works.
Lavender (above) and honeysuckle are not only the new sights of the season but they also add their lovely scent to my natural backyard. The flowers of the kolkwitzia amabilis (below) have dropped and left their fuzzy parts.
The branch in the middle of the next shot is kolkwitzia and it's leaning towards the pecan tree on the right.
The one thing my cell phone can't do at all is photograph birds. See the tiny figure in the shot below. That's a robin courtesy of my cell phone. But by next week's nature notes I should be in full swing with the new camera I'm getting this week.
My neighbor's cat below is at the top of my driveway getting ready to harras the birds in my backyard. The cat isn't impressed by my pointing the cell phone at it.
The blackberry blossoms are beginning to bloom (shot below). You might be able to barely make out a fuzzy bug in the middle of one of the blooms.
Everything is getting very green. My cell phone turns a landscape into an impressionistic painting (to put a positive spin on it).
The primrose are in full bloom below.
In the next shot you can see the butterfly weed forming its buds. There's something slightly incongruous about waving my cell phone around when I'm enjoying nature but at least I'm not talking on it.
Click for the home of nature notes.


Leora said...

Your cell phone shots are very artsy. I love the landscape one. Definitely painterly!

And the robin is cute, even from a distance.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Very nice photos, enjoy your new camera when you get it!

Cezar and Léia said...

These pictures are great, and you found a cute kitty! I'm so happy for you, a new camera , so good news.
But I need to say you have a fabulous cell phone! :)
Use it and take a picture of the new camera to show us okay!

Judy said...

For a cell phone the photos turned out great! I'm with Leora, they do have an artsy look to them.
Yeah for the generous gift! I'm so happy for you.

Caron said...

Nice Monet! ;) Congratulations on the new camera.

Nicole said...

Oh lovely! At least you can keep showing your gorgeous spring time :D
My cell phone cam is even worse *grin*
And I am glad you are getting a new cam!
*Yeah for generous gifts!*

Shanae Branham said...

Congratulations on the new camera. I like your cell phone shots and can't wait to see what you do with your camera.

Rambling Woods said...

I am so happy that you got a camera although you did great with the cell phone...I don't know why I keep thinking I have visited when I haven't......sigh.....Michelle