
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today's Flowers: Then and Now

I thought I'd take a look through the seasons of flowers. The first shot is of the tulip tree which bloomed early only to be hit with an early March snow.


The shot below is of my gerber daisies in July with their summer face on.


I had one last black eyed susan (below) which bloomed this fall on my deck after the rest had gone to seed.


I took the shot below this Friday after winter had left the flower pots on my deck empty of flowers. The tiny bit of snow was here and gone quickly but at least we got a little before Christmas.


For other participants, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.


Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful colours from these adorable flowers but...the first shot is wonderful!
Léia :)

Randi said... you have a tulip tree, Carver?! I have only seen it blooming once - in Denmark. I MUST buy one, but I have to find a big one.
Last night we got 80 cm snow. My car is hidden and the police has advised all people to stay at home. I keep a small path free from snow, so I can feed the small birds.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love your first photo!

Today's Flower at my end Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I guess snow in March mst be rare in North Carolina! So sorry the snow nipped the blossoms. I hate that when it happens! Perhaps Mother Nature will be nicer to you this coming spring.

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Nice contrast among the seasons.

Carletta said...

A clever post through the seasons Carver!
That daisy is beautiful and I love the droplets on the Susan.
I have lots of snow - can I send you some. :)

Chie Wilks said...

that red daisy...if that is a daisy is so lovely and sad to hear about flowers all gone because of the weather...

mine is up too

Nance said...

Nice display of flowers featuring their season, Carver. I have literally hundreds of black eyed susan every spring so I share it to friends but I've never had a gerber daisy...have to get them in the spring, they are gorgeous!

mommanator said...

such pretty shots!

Rambling Woods said...

This would have made a great Nature Notes post...lovely...

eden said...

Beautiful captures. I love the first one and the gerbera.

Al said...

My favorite is the first one...they look like marshmallows to me haha! I wonder if we ever got those kins of flowers here in the Philippines?
Thanks for the visit and may you have a Merry Christmas with your family.


ellen said...

Gorgeous! Really light up my day. Carver, Merry Christmas to you and to your family!

Annie said...

Wow, these are such beautiful photos and what a great way to look back on a year almost finished.

Sorry (or maybe not?) that the snow missed Raleigh. I'm in N. Durham County and we got several inches of snow with some sleet on top, so I was snowed in from Friday afternoon until today when it finally started to melt. I would have been perfectly happy to be snowed in if I didn't still have shopping to do!

Loved your PhotoHunt "fast" entry too. Your daughter is beautiful and I loved seeing your photos of her.

Was glad to see that TnChick posted some January themes (I'm glad that PhotoHunt will continue).

I hope that you have a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!

rinzo said...

Stunning! Please visit my very first entry in today's flower. Blessed Xmas carver and Happy New Year to you and to your family!

lazyclick said...

Fantastic collection of flowers.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

enjoyed the photo collection; snow on green, the plants, the photo devoid of color. very nice story within the photos

Anonymous said...

Summer flowers make me always smile. I am so happy to look at any flower pictures right now.
The black eyed susan bloomed very late until the frost.
Great shots.
I wish you a
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Flowers said...

All the picture of flowers look awesome. There is nothing better than a fresh flower when you want to admire beauty. Sometimes with a little creativity, such a flower can become even more stunning with the hand of an artisan.

Caron said...

How wonderful and refreshing to see my favorite daisy when there is so much snow on the ground (I've stopped counting).

Ayie said...

that's so sad seeing all the flowers gone but at least you can enjoy now the white gentle snow.