
Friday, July 03, 2009

Photohunt: Pink and Happy U.S. Independence Day

Update - I was relieved to read that TN Chick's husband is home now and recovering. When I went to the home of photohunters to put the link in my blog I saw some sad news. TN Chick the host of Photohunters has requested prayers for her husband who has been hospitalized. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband as well as with her and their children. I hope they will get good news soon. What a relief to go to her site today and see that he is home.
The photohunt theme this week is pink. When I saw the sky Wednesday night at sunset, I grabbed my camera and knew that would be one of my PH shots this week. The next shot is one I took this spring. Although the azalea is a dark pink, in that light it almost looks red. When I took the shot I thought it might be good for the Fourth of July since it looks like my front yard is red, white, and blue.
Since red is a mixture of white and pink, to stretch a point the U.S. flag could be said to have separated pink (the red and white aren't mixed on the flag but they equal pink).
I took both of the flag shots when we were in Wilmington, NC on memorial day. I took them from the car so the composition leaves something to be desired but I thought they worked for the U.S. Independence Day which is July 4. Also, to stretch a point they are separated pink.
I hope that everyone who celebrates it has a Happy Independence Day and I hope that TN Chick's husband is on the road to recovery. I am as usual early since Saturday is the Photohunters post day.


keeyit said...

I like the pinky cloud.
We seldom can see such cloud here.

Nice theme~

Daryl said...

Lovely ... and the perfect theme for this weekend! Happy 4th!

Leslie said...

Your photos are wonderful this week. :)

Unknown said...

You found lots of pink easily also.. Great photos as it only makes me imagine your weekend :) Happy 4th!

LifeRamblings said...

what a beautiful pink sky.

Happy Independence day!

Randi said...

What a wonderful pink cloud.
Have never seen such a sky.

lissa said...

I like the pink clouds

have a wonderful 4th of july

MaR said...

Those pink clouds are very special, Carver. Happy 4th of July to you!!
My PH is up early too, as usual :)

ancient one said...

I usually see pink in the clouds late afternoons, but didn't notice on Wednesday... Love your pink... hope you come to see mine!

Annie said...

I like your take on this theme. That is some sunset! And great how you tied it into July 4th.

Thanks too for the news about Tn chick's husband. She's been going thru a lot lately.

Have a great holiday weekend.

Liz Hinds said...

What a glorious sunset!

I tried to leave a prayer for tnchick but it wouldn't let me. I'll try again later.

Liz Hinds said...

Just read that comments have been closed. Hope that isn't a bad sign.

jmb said...

Beautiful sky Carver, never see it here either.

Happy July 4th

jams o donnell said...

Great selection of photos. The sky is particularly beautiful. Happy weekend

Pat said...

All great photos!! Love the sky!

Happy Weekend!

Cezar and Léia said...

What a wonderful sky! Great capture!
God bless you!

Pretty Life Online said...

Lovely pinky cloud!!! Mine's up hope you can drop by... Happy weekend!

Bengbeng said...

i like the pink cloud too.

CRIZ LAI said...

Lovely pinkish sky Carver. :)

Sue said...

Beautiful pics! And Happy Fourth of July :) I too will add my thoughts and prayers for TNChicks husband. Thank you for stopping by.

YTSL said...

Thanks for the alert re tnchick's husband, Carver. On a happier note: I really love your natural red-white-and-blue composition.

Colin Campbell said...

Have a nice Independence Day weekend.

candi said...

Wonderful shot of the sky.Great takes on the theme.
I too join you in wishing TN chick's husband well.

Happy 4th of July weekend.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Nice pink clouds Carver!
Happy 4th July!!! :P
Heading for any BBQ?

Rambling Woods said...

Oh no..I didn't know about TN Chick's husband. I hope he will be OK. I will go and leave a message. You have a great series of shots Carver and I hope you have a great 4th...Michelle

RJ Flamingo said...

Great post, Carver! Love your perspectives...:-)

Smalltown RN said...

I love the pink clouds...beautiful photo....happy weeekend to you

stan said...

yeah. Special day here too!

julie said...

i had a pink sunset sky but i chose a dainty flower instead :)

Hope your 4th of July celebration is fun!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Lovely post all around and pink skies always are a delight to me

Upcountrysmiles said...

Aloha Carver,
I love the pink skies:) In fact I have a familiar shot as well.
Happy 4th of July to you!!
Cindy O

Anonymous said...

Delightful pink sky!

gengen said...

The flowers are very pretty you have a cool entries. happy weekend and July 4rth! Mine is up also.

Patricia said...

Very nice, Carver. I like the way you think, too. Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!

Marites said...

Pretty pinks especially the nature pic. happy independence day!

JC said...

Happy 4th to you, too!

Chie Wilks said...

Love the photos you have here...Happy 4th of July!

rdl said...

Great shots! love the sky one!

Teena in Toronto said...

Gorgeous sky!

I played too :)

Jules said...

I like your pink choices. The pictures of the clouds makes it look like we are looking at mountain tops. :)

SabineM said...

Lovely clouds!
Happy 4th, Carver! Doing anything fun!??!
have a fabulous day!

bonggamom said...

The first white building you featured is really beautiful. Happy 4th!

Isolated Existence. said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the pink clouds. Enjoy your weekend ;-)

marta said...

Beautiful clouds - and I like the red white and blue garden picture. Have a great 4th.

Unknown said...

The cloud is fabulous! I love pinks and oranges in the sky.

Happy 4th!

Sherry at EX Marks the Spot

srp said...

Happy Independence Day to you too. Love the pink clouds and the azaleas too. Great job. My pinks are up here.

JO said...

happy 4th!

Here's mine.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Ascender Rises Above said...

wonderful to see the sights on your walk once again. hoping that chick's husband will soon be in the pink!

Ayie said...

belated happy 4th, we went out to do view frieworks by san francisco =)