
Friday, September 28, 2007

Photohunt: Original

The theme for this week's photohunt is original. I snapped the photo below in the NC Botanical Gardens on Thursday. The NCBG has an art show between September and November with original art by North Carolina artists scattered throughout the garden.
I decided to create an original work of art for the theme this week. I'm going to end with my original creation but first an original charcoal drawing my father did of me in 1973 when I was 16. I like the way the light caught my camera in the glass when I photographed the old charcoal of me.
For the original work of art which I created for the photohunt, I decided on mixed media. First I purchased some new art supplies for the occasion.
Then I gathered some dried plant materials from my fall garden and went at it.
There you have it. Art in the garden followed by two generations of artists. Don't you think my father would be proud of me?


PowersTwinB said...

Oh that charcole drawing is amazing! Your dad is very talented! Very original artwork from everyday crayolas using your garden items! my photo is up early please come and visit

SabineM said...

I think your dad WOULD be proud!
I love that garden sculpture. Funny I am in Chicago and they have something similar going down on Michigan Avenue. I took a couple photos!
The charcoal drawing is amazing. It is soo hard to make "good" faces...your dad is very talented!

ipanema said...

wow, that's a priceless original! great take on the theme.

thanks for the visit. :)

Jose said...

Oh wow, great pictures, specially that charcoal by your dad. Original indeed.

Anonymous said...


very original entry!

happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Great choices, but I especially like that first photo! Happy photo hunting!

Anonymous said...

LOL - great choices for this week. Love the original art work in the first photo.

Happy Weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Nice shots. I particularly love the sculpture and the drawing of you. Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

that first photo is stunning!! Beautiful charcoal drawing. Have a wonderful Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Very original. Your father's quite talent with that drawing of you.

Chris said...

Great pictures, as always. Have a good weekend, Carver.

Anonymous said...

wow, I love the charcoal picture. Your father's very talented! Happy weekend!

Kate said...

very artistic. It looks like you had a lot of fun with this, and that garden sculpture is amazing!

Anonymous said...

nice entry, like your dad's
charcoal drawing...happy weekend!
mine is up now.

Carver said...

I'm enjoying this hunt as always and thanks for visiting. I probably should have mentioned that my Dad died in 1998 but I am glad I have so much of his art. The down side is I have six paintings he did of me and although I like them I don't have quite the ego it would take to hang them all. I do have the charcoal up that I posted here and I have one of the paintings he did of me as well as one he did of my mother hung. He painted any of his children that he could talk into sitting for him a lot. We were sort of commanded models, ha.

etteY said...

Yes, your father would be very proud of you! :D

Shosh said...

Wow...these are wonderful! I like how you made those fingerprint art....orginal!

Raquel said...

Definitely your photo is original, especially the charcoal drawing.

Mine is up at Photographic Memories.

Heart of Rachel said...

Your father must be a wonderful artist. You must treasure that drawing very much. I like seeing you reflected on the glass.

Finger painting, now that's really fun. My son loves arts and crafts too.

Thanks for visiting.

Anonymous said...

Very original and very good. You have inherited your father's talent.

Melli said...

LOL! Clear off the livingroom wall! NEW artwork coming in! I'm sure your dad would be VERRRRRRRY proud! And HIS work is very good too!

GHD said...

I love that you decided to create some originals for this week's theme. The charcoal portrait and the statue are so beautiful. Have a great weekend!

Katya said...

Aw, what an excellent assortment of originals!!! The drawing your father did is very beautiful indeed!

Your artwork looks like you had a great deal of fun with it and I am sure your dad would be very proud! said...

I am with Melli put your Dad's art work of you up and enjoy!! Thanks for visiting!! Have a nice weekend!!

jmb said...

What wonderful ideas you had for the theme Carver. I love the sculpture in the garden. Will you be posting more of these photos?
You Dad is an amazing sketch artist.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love the charcoal painting of you:) I also have a painting of my own taken when I was 24 about 5 yrs ago! Nice entry this week,Carver!:)
Have a great weekend!

Andree said...

That is a really original art piece in the Botanical Garden! It is startling! I can't think of a more precious gift from a father than a drawing like that. You were (oh I hate the "were" because I know you still are) beautiful.

Katney said...

Someone else posted art in a park, and now I forget who. It is wonderful to find art in unexpected places.

Queen of My Domain said...

I like the garden art but the drawing your dad did was very pretty. Your art was good to! Good choices.

Sarge Charlie said...

this is very good

Paulie said...

Well . . . I like the ORIGINAL idea you had to show that artists run in families! Ü Good job!!!!!! Ü

Everyone I have visited so far has such unique ideas.

Thanks for visiting my entry.

Theresa said...

yes I think we all need to bow down to you on this challenge!
What a great photo hunt you produced! But really not a surprise because you are quite an original yourself!
Great charcoal painting what a great keepsake.

Kucing Mafia said...

See Kucing Mafia PhotoHunt

Your first photo gave me nightmare !! good photo selection

Wilson said...

Love the photos... Specially the Charcoal painting... I'm avid fan of paintings!... In fact, I usually paint way back before...though I still can paint 'til now I just can't find time to paint... great photos!... Mine is here...

Have a nice day!...c",)

Cynthia said...

The drawing your father did is quite stunning! Great original pics!

Unknown said...

how very cool!!! thanks for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

Great choices for the week. I really like the sculpture. Austin has some great outdoor art too.

Anonymous said...

I just love that statue at the Botanical Gardens,... and the drawing is fantastic.,.....! All good photos. Have a good weekend.

CRIZ LAI said...

Your father sure did a beautiful charcoal painting of you. We don't many of such artistic people around these days. Well done for the thme. Happy weekend. said...

That is truly original

Anonymous said...

A great entertaining post! I love the sculpture too. But your idea to create an original piece of art for photohunt is unbeatable. Well done! :)

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Great choices!
Photo Hunters

Stine said...

Great originals! The charcoal is wonderful.

Rosell said...

oh yeah, you Daddy will be very proud. hihi. Fun photos you have here. My entry is up!

Anonymous said...

A very original and taleted family obviously.
Thanks for visiting earlier :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Lovely collection of original art! :) The charcoal drawing your father did is beautiful - he was very talented. :)

My original photo.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Wow! Your father was really talented being able to create that! I think it's fun that you bought crayola just for the occasion! Good times!

Thanks for visiting!

Carver said...

Thanks for visiting and I appreciate the comments.

Maribeth said...

The charcoal drawing is perfect and probably my favorite.

JC said...

Very creative series of shots... well done. I'm sure your Father IS proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Lovely collection of original photos. Your father's charcoal painting looks so sweet.

Thanks for making an original art for this theme. Have a great weekend! :)

**"Liza"** said...

Ohhh i love the charcole drawing of you..That is really neat!.im pretty sure your Dad is so proud of your finger sculpture are pretty neat too..Have agret weekend!

shiera said...

wow! I very like that charcoal painting! I wish I had one, too :)
and that piece of art you made... so cool! ^-^

Mommy Lutchi said...

This are really neat shots and pricelss too. Happy PH

mine is up at My Two Cents Worth and
The Four Seasons Of My Life I hope You can visit me too. TC

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff! I love how you give us multiple photos for the theme :)

Anonymous said...

Poetry is the one place where people can speak their original human mind. It is the outlet for people to say in public what is known in private.
-Allen Ginsberg

Poetry has so many forms and I believe you know them all.
Love, K.

Diane said...

wow! very nice pics! I love it! Very original! Love that crayola thing!

Anonymous said...

Very good take on theme. I love the angel in the garden. Before my exile, I volunteered at the BG in Huntsville. I love that garden and visit it often. I have been to the Memphis BG twice but it isn't convienent for me to volunteer there. When my exile is over I'm hoping to do so again.
Thank you for visitng me. I'm going to read some more of your posts. I am always looking for new interesting people.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved all of those. Three very different ones giving us such variety to look at :-)

The drawing must be very precious to you. I wish we had saved some of my dad small drawings he did....

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Good stuff, and yes, the charcoal drawing is great.

Unknown said...

The picture your Dad drew is beautiful. The gsrden statue by the local artist and the multimedia work is beautiful too. You put a lot of quality tome into this post.

WHIP's said...

The statue is amazing. I'm always in awe when an artist is able to capture femininity and grace

YTSL said...

Very artistic! :)

MaR said...

Your father would definitely be proud of you. Love his drawing and your original piece of art as well!
Happy weekend !

Anonymous said...

Those are great pieces of original art. That's a wonderful drawing of you.

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Great selection for this week, I love that first one especially!!!

Sue said...


Excellent ideas and photographs! Love it!

Carver said...

Thanks for the photohunters visits and comments. I appreciate it so much. It's been fun seeing what everyone came up with.

and "guess who" I like your new commenter name, made me laugh. Perfect quote for the original theme and thank you for your kind words.

Anonymous said...

Great ideas for the theme. My kids sure would have loved helping you with your creation, and I love that I don't have to worry with Color Wonder!

Patricia said...

What a treasure to have a drawing made of you by your father, and I, too love the way the photo captured you again. The garden sculpture is amazing, too. Thanks for stopping by Pollywog Creek this morning. Blessings on your weekend.

Flo said...

That first piece of art is freaky!! Animal/human mixtures freak me out :)

That charcoal drawing is really nice. Your father was a good artist.

Art is the garden looks like fun. I haven't done anything like that in a while.

Flo's Place

karoline in the morning said...

wonderful job carver! you have a luvely site here, if you don't mind i think i'll link to you so i can find my way back to read..


Carver said...

Thanks again for the comments photohunters, and Karoline feel free to link to me. I appreciate that. Carver

Anonymous said...

charcoal drawing of you by your father. What a wonderful, beautiful portrait. Thanks for sharing this with us. sara from farmingfriends

Team Tabby said...

Thanks for visiting us. We like the charcoal drawing of you best. Your dad would be very proud of you indeed, you are very creative.

Ingrid said...

Very original ! and I like the charcoal drawing very much it's beautiful !

Anonymous said...

You are so pretty!
Beautifully done charcoal.
Now I want to get me some fingerpaints and go wild!
Thanks for visiting,

Everyday Healy said...

All these original ideas are perfect! Bravo! I will make you my site of the week! hehe....

Shelby said...

loved this..

p.s. I have a real life video posted today.. come see! :)

Anonymous said...

The sculpture is a bit creepy for me but I like the charcoal drawing and your mixed-media artwork. Originals! :D

Siani said...

The charcoal sketch is beautiful - and I love your original art, too. Your dad would definitely be proud. Have a great weekend!

Liz Hinds said...

Very arty and original!

Particularly that sculpture in the Gardens. Very unusual

Susan said...

That sculpture is amazing...and I LOVE your Dad's picture. These are all very creative. Thank you for stopping by my PH yesterday. I'm sorry I'm a bit late visiting.

:-) Susan

Teena in Toronto said...

Nice contrasts for the theme!

Thanks for stopping by mine :)

Gran said...

Your Dad would definitely be proud of you. Love his charcole drawing it is awesome, and your original piece of art as well!

Thanks for dropping by and have a great weekend.

NC is a great place to live!!!

Carver said...

Thanks again for the comments. I've found it interesting how some people like the sculpture from the garden and some find her disturbing. I have nicknamed her the Goddess of Originality or Angel of Originality because I didn't take notes on the various sculpture and I couldn't find her name. I think it's clear when she's enlarged that she has a very kind face but I do find it interesting that she affected different people differently. Someone mentioned that she had animal characteristics which would have never occurred to me. I thought she had angelic wings. In any event I found the different comments interesting.

Hin Man said...

Very original and creative thinking in that sculpture. And the painting from your Daddy is professional looking. Thank you for sharing the very unique original them.

Anonymous said...

Love the charcoal painting of you. Very original! Thanks for commenting on mine.