The theme for this week's photohunt is music. My first thought was to arrange all of my numerous instruments around the electronic piano and take a picture. I rarely play music any more so this was a fun outing for the instruments since most are seldom out of their cases. Even the guitars which sit on stands in my living room were very excited to be moved and handled. I could almost hear them saying play date, play date.


I'm on an early hunt also. Love all your instruments. have a great weekend.
I can't play an instrument to save my life. I am envious of your talent! Great pics and have a great weekend
Those are great photos. I love the one of the sound check; What a pity that you can play but don't! Today I'm sad that I quit my guitar lessons too soon...
Have a happy weekend!
All great photos for this theme. Interesting storyline also. Thanks for visiting my site.
Wow, you are very musical! Enjoyed the pix so much!
You're invited to come visit me at: Junk In My Trunk
Great photos for the theme!
Lovely photos! I started acoustic guitar lessons in January! I ALWAYS wanted to learn! It is fun, when I get time to practice (I should blog less and spend more time strumming!)
Thanks for visiting. I enjoy the early hunt because it spreads it out. I'm having trouble connecting to TNChick but glad to have been able to visit you all and a few others before the connection slowed down. Hopefully I'll be able to connect to TNChick again soon. Photohunters has already become an addiction for me.
wonderful take on this weeks theme!
You go girl, play that guitar!!!
I used to play the flute and the clarinet, but that was many, many moons ago. Great photos and have a good weekend.
Mine is up also, please stop by and visit.
I would love to hear you play.You must be a talented musician. Sara from farmingfriends
Nice collection! And talented too, what a gal
Oh I used to play an instrument years ago but do not think I could every pick it up again.
Happy Weekend.
Carver, that's a lovely story and great photo for the theme. Hopefully you'll get back to it someday soon.
I'm not as early as you but just came over to visit. Call later for my photo hunt.
Love your photos! Perfect for this week's theme .. :) I wish I had your talent for music!
What beautiful guitars. And, they are just begging to be played! They need a friend. :)
Happy hunting!
I have enjoyed reading your post & imagining all the fun your instruments have had!
i love music and i wish i can play too but music dont like me lol!
great shot and post happy music hunting!
wonderful photos of a very talented woman! I am green with jealously, I have no talent whats so ever! Please visit my music photos!
Thanks to all the photohunters that are visiting. I was able to get TNchick to load again so I'm back to visiting myself and having a great time doing so.
Wow, you have a lot of instruments. I wish I have some musical talent! :)
Great photos for the hunt! I wish I could play an instrument, but sadly I'm not musical. Have a wonderful weekend!!
You are a musician!! :-) I play guitar a little bit but my fingers hurt... so I stop to learn guitar..:-)
What a great series of musical shots! You're blessed to be musically inclined, I hope you can keep up with your talent. Happy Hunting!
I'm with jams, i can't play to save my life either! Mt oldest sister used to play the organ and was really good, i used to love hearing her play :-)
Every instrument has so much music inside it. I only wish I was able to bring some of it out :)
Oh my! Love those photos..Great entries this wee:)
I've found that too: themes for photohunt encourage me to think about stuff I'd have never thought of otherwise. Those are great photos and memories you have.
Nice photos for this week.
Oh you're one talented lady.
Love the photos.
Thanks for droppin' by!
wow ... i learned to play the piano when i was little, but haven't tried the guitars ... wonderful shots!
happy hunting!
hey! those are great instruments! such a shame to keep them kept all the time... especially if you're good enough to play professionally! =)
keep on playing!
nice pics for the week's theme!
Oh,you are musically inclined as well. That's nice. I can strum a guitar. That's all. :)
What a neat idea to arrange all your instruments together! I can't pay any, but I admire that talent in others.
Great pics, and perfect for this week's theme.
Nice set of music instruments.
Enjoy the weekend!
Mine is up at Photographic Memories.
Beautiful guitars. I play the organ and guitar too but mostly it's the organ.
Thanks for the visit.
Great photos!
Love all the intruments. my daughter would love to come and look, gently touch and listen. :)
wow...a great collection here. Nice picture!
thanks for droppiing by..
Nice arrangement of instrument, and how awesome that you can play. I tried to but failed misserably.
You are so talented. I can't play any musical instruments. I can't read notes. :(
It's been a long time since you last played. A pity though. :)
I so wish I had just a little talent in the music dept....Looks like you have enough to keep you busy.
Take care,
Mine is up.
note from your instruments:
Why for do you leave us in cases? We want to play so that you can laugh and sing with us again.
This is the perfect theme for you this week.
:) K.
I look at the world and I notice it's turning.
While my guitar gently weeps.
With every mistake we must surely be learning.
Still my guitar gently weeps.
-George Harrison
(Feeling guilty yet?)HAHAHAHA.
And look at all of that talent! great pics for the theme and thanks for visiting!
I admire people who has a passion for playing musical instruments. Performing live and hearing the audience applause must have been a natural sense of high.
Thanks for visiting earlier. Take care!
Wow, that is a lot of musical instruments you've got there!
have a great weekend! :)
P.S. Do play more music.
What neat shots for the music theme! I really prefer the slightly blurry photo of you really playing than a "posed" shot. How great!
Thanks to all the photohunters who are visiting. This continues to be a fun one for me, seeing what everyone is doing with the theme.
Hey Kim, now you have me going: da da da, da da da, da da da da da, da da da daaa, da da daaaaa, da da daaaaaa. In case you can't tell that's the tune for while my guitar gently weeps, ha.
it would b great if u played and had a video taken n put on yr blog :) it would b so cool. i always admire guys with musical talent as I have none :(
Looks like a fun time with all those instruments!
Great collection of music photos! What a scary drive you had after that 2000 performance. I'm glad you were okay.
My Music Photo Hunt.
Oh, that is a lot of instruments! Love the fiery guitar in the middle, very cool!!!!!
So, you've been out playing, how fun it must have been.
thanks for stopping by :-)
You have such beautiful guitars! I'd love to be able to play. :-)
You have a wonderful collection there. I would imagine you miss playing as often as you'd like.
Glad you survived your road trip back then and hope it was memorable for other reasons as well!
wow great instruments...wonderful photos
I can't play an instrument so I'm always in awe of those who can do it beautifully.
What a scary experience that was - how fortunate you did not crash or anything.
ohhhhh I so hate driving in the snow and ice. yuck!
what a great shot :-)
Nice pictures of your instruments.
I can't anything and perhaps my daughter will..
Dont leave them there get them out and play them, they are screaming for it.
nuff said - you nailed this music theme!
Those are great photos!! I wish I could play an instrument. There is a guitar in the corner of my computer room collecting dust. Every year or so I pick it up and say I'm going to learn to play. Hasn't happened yet :(
Great photos.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
awesome idea for the shot, I was happy to see the second shot. The instraments would have been so sad to be left alone after being rearranged!
You have chance to know playing instruments!!! If only I could!!!
Have a great sunday Carven!
great photos and background story! play date, play date - i love it! :)
Great pictures for the theme! Happy Hunting!
this is great! what a creative post
You have quite a collection of instruments. I am sure that guitar was happy to be played again! Great pictures!
Beautiful guitars--my boys play those also and would be jealous to see yours!!
Thanks for visiting--
Awesome photos. Scary ride home from your last gig! :-) Thanks for visiting me, too.
Photo Hunters
Great photos for the music theme. I used to play the clarinet and the piano. I got a piano last spring... now all I need it time to practice!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
What a beautiful collection of instruements. Enjoyed your post.
I used to play the piano but haven't played anything musical in ages!
Thanks for stopping by my PhotoHunt.
I can't play anything but a radio :) So I'm jealous!
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
Nice pictures and nice guitars. The red one looks like a Rickenbacker, but I see that it isn't. Thanks for sharing and visiting.
Wow! You really have lots of instruments there!
I admire anyone who can play an instrument -- as for me, I got one stick (not two) and was told to pretend to hit the other imaginary stick -- and Debbie P. always, always got to play the triangle -- it just wasn't fair LOL
interesting story behind the photos.
sad but but am one those who are not good in playing any musical instrument but i am willing to learn if i have a chance to.
Wow, how wonderful you can play many different instruments! I only played clarinet and HATED it. (it was a hand-me-down, so I didn't get to choose!!!) WOnderful pictures!!!
Cool photos, and definitely appropriate for this week's Photo Hunt! :)
This has been another great hunt. I've enjoyed visiting everyone's site and I appreciate the visits to mine.
Good photo theme
An excellent collection of instruments you got there. The guitar in the middle looks to be calling some attention to itself being bright colored and all.
Thank you for visiting.
Oh, wow, these say a lot about you...you have quite some musical talent!
I quit guitar too, it's too painful for my fingers. *embarrassed*
But you are so talented!
Great pictures. What a drive home. Glad you made it safe!
Nice post. I play the guitar too. Thanks for dropping by
what a collection of guitars from a musical artist like you.
As you know, I was very early, too. I'm now late in getting up Part II, if you care to take a look it is here. I love your photos and jealous that you can play guitar. Awesome!
You must really like music to have all those instruments and to be a performer.
Looks a little like our study. My husband has instruments everywhere. No, he's not a 'musician'. He just loves to sit around and strum on them. There's nothing wrong with one being able to play 'a little'!!!
I love the first pictures! They look a bit lonely so you better take the time and play for a while.
Wow. I started out thinking--wow that is a lot of instruments that aren't being played then I realized--wWe have a saxaphone and clarinet around (from back when I actually played), more than a few kids instruments, and accordion and a keyboard.most of them haven't been touched in ages. :)
How brave to photograph yourself! I tried once, you have to search my site, but it's there. I won't do that again any time soon. I don't do well with that sort of shot.
Fun fun shots! You did great, and it looks like you are having a lot of fun!
Blessings, Kim
My favourite picture is the blurred one. I love the fact that it's an "action" shot. :)
Before I'm 100 years old, I WILL learn to play the piano!
This week I'm really late! Lovely photos, as always.
Thanks again to all the photohunters.
Wow, I'm the 100th commenter!! Just shows how late I am getting round.
I'm so impressed with all the musical instruments you have! All great photos, and an interesting post.
Thanks for visiting mine - the opposite end of the scale - you were my first commenter!
Those are beautiful instruments, I especially love the guitars. Sorry I'm late in responding this week and thanks for stopping by!
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